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Annual telephone campaign raises £100,000


Throughout February, a team of 38 current students took to the phones and spoke to over 1,400 Bradford alumni across the world.

Bradford’s annual telephone campaign provides the opportunity for us to get in touch, hear your news, to bring you up to date with the changes that have taken place at Bradford since your time here and to let you know about the work we’re currently doing to raise philanthropic funds for the University’s 50th Anniversary Scholarship Appeal.

Our students have enjoyed speaking to alumni and hearing about your life experience, careers, sharing experiences and swapping stories of Bradford. The response to the 50th Anniversary Scholarship Appeal has been incredibly positive, and at the end of the campaign in the region of £100,000 of additional funds has been pledged to the Appeal.

We are very grateful to all of our supporters that, and thanks to the generosity of our alumni community, we can continue to make a real difference here at Bradford. Funds donated to the scholarship appeal will enable talented students from all backgrounds to succeed regardless of their background and without financial burden.

If you missed a student’s call, or would like to get involved, you can get in touch with the Alumni and Development Office at by emailing or calling Victoria Collins on +44 (0)1274 233165. You can also register on the Bradford Connect Portal and make a donation online.