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50th Anniversary Alumni Celebration - Dubai


A special networking event was held for Bradford alumni and friends at the British Ambassador's Residence in Dubai, UAE, on Thursday 23 March.

Her Majesty’s Consul General to Dubai and the Northern Emirates, Mr Paul Fox, welcomed several University officials, including Vice-Chancellor Professor Brian Cantor, and more than 80 Bradford alumni to the event.

Mr Fox gave a warm welcome to all the alumni, guests and staff that attended and led a minutes silence in memory of those that had been tragically affected by the terrorist attack in London on Wednesday 22 March.

Professor Brian Cantor, delivered an inspirational talk reflecting on the 50th anniversary as significant milestone in the history and development of the University and looking forward to an exciting future for Bradford as it continues to develop as one of the world's great technology universities. He also commented on the incredible footprint of Bradford’s alumni community, which comprises in excess of 130,000 graduates spanning more than 180 countries.

The alumni that attended the evening celebration represented graduates from a range of disciplines and cohorts spanning more than 40 years - from the 1970s to 2016. Many graduates of Bradford programmes delivered in the UAE were also present, including alumni from the very first cohort of Bradford’s Executive MBA (Dubai) in the mid-1990s.

The evening began and ended with celebratory drinks and canapés (including fish and chips) amid plenty of networking and discussion and a group photo was taken on the lawn in the garden of the British Consulate in Dubai. View more photos from the event.

The event followed a number of 50th anniversary alumni celebrations in 2016/17 and was the last of three such events as part of the University’s tour to the Middle East between 18 and 24 March.