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'You are now in the mile high school of management'


A University of Bradford School of Management academic recently had an interesting experience when he gave a mile high tutorial.

Dr Hugh Lee, who lectures in Organisational Behaviour and Business Ethics, has given tutorials in many places across the world but, to the best of his knowledge, he has never tutored a student who is halfway across the Atlantic, 40,00ft in air.

Dr Lee said: "I had no idea it was to be recorded by Anis or ‘attended’ on a long haul flight but it certainly takes our 'Technology University' claims to new heights!"

It came about when student Anas Ramli, who is based at the University of Bradford School of Management Dubai Knowledge Village campus, was flying between London and Calgary, Canada.

Anas, who is studying on the Executive MBA in Dubai, decided that the fact he was on a long-haul flight should not stop him logging on and checking in for his tutorial with Dr Lee.

He even found time to introduce himself to some of the air crew on camera!

The tutorial was for a Managing People module tutorial conducted via Blackboard Collaborate.

Dr Lee said: "The subject was Management Roles and the debate between Henry Mintzberg’s idea of management as an art and Henri Fayol’s idea that it is much more of a science.

"I came to know Anis well during the three day intensive module in Dubai two weeks before this session. He is a very diligent student and contributed very positively to the sessions and we had lunch together on the middle day in the Dubai Knowledge Village."

As well as offering the Executive MBA at the Dubai Knowledge Village, the School of Management also offers an MSc in International Health Management.