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University launches 2016 Summer Experience to boost Bradford businesses


The University of Bradford is calling on local employers to take on skilled students for the summer to help boost their businesses.

offers organisations the opportunity to recruit an undergraduate student into a 6-week placement during the summer vacation period between May and September.

Businesses often use the programme to bring fresh ideas and skills into projects or energise the launch of new products. Many placement providers are small organisations, so find the extra resource and expertise of great value and an opportunity to scout for potential future employees

For students, the six-week programme offers the opportunity to develop important skills for the workplace, and gain an insight into working life.

Students are paid £275 a week whilst on placement. In some cases the University can offer a 50% subsidy on the cost making this a low risk and cost effective way of increasing capacity to launch a new initiative or complete a project.

Joanne Beaumont, Head of Career Development Services, said: “Summer Experience has proved to be a hugely valuable programme in developing our students’ skills and experience and in forging links with employers regionally. It makes a major contribution to the University with students on the programme having one of the highest rates of employment after graduation.

“Our students have excellent technical skills that could make a real impact on your organisation. Typical placement projects in previous years have covered marketing, research, product development, social media, website design, youth work and many more.”

The University of Bradford puts employability at the core of its ethos, believing that the skills and tools their students are equipped with give them the edge in a fiercely competitive graduate job market. Offering relevant work experience to its students is a key part in helping them to become ‘job-ready’ after graduation.

Employers interested in the scheme can find out more at or call 01274 234991.