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Students on unique triple country Master's arrive for final term at Bradford School of Management


A new cohort of students on a unique Master's programme has been welcomed at the University of Bradford School of Management.

Before arriving in Bradford the group of 35 students on the European and International Business Management MSc (known as the European Management Programme) had previously studied for a term in France at the Audencia Business School, Nantes, and in Spain at the Deusto Business School, Bilbao.

The students must be trilingual before starting the course because it is taught in the language of the host nation – Spanish, French and English. For some students none of these languages are native to them.

Whilst students come predominantly from Spain and France, there are also people on the course from other parts of the world, this year from several Latin American countries (Mexico, Costa Rica, Ecuador), Belgium, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Canada, Iceland, Andorra, Algeria and China. One student this year comes from Tahiti.

The outstanding course celebrated its 25th anniversary last year and an event was held at the world-famous Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao to mark the occasion.

Director of the European Master's Programme and Senior Lecturer at Bradford School of Management, Jean-Marc Trouille said: “The students are a very dynamic group of positive young people who, according to former Bradford MBA students, really add something to the final taught part of the course, so their arrival is always something to look forward to.”

The programme is a joint award from all three institutions and is officially recognised by the Ministerio de Educación in Spain.

European Management Programme student Joshua Gamble said he is hoping to use the course to get him a career in a European consulting or marketing role.

He said: “I was living and working in Portugal when I heard about the course. It was exactly what I was looking for. I previously studied languages at Sheffield University and I want to get into consultancy or marketing so the course sounded perfect. I don’t know any other course like this.”

Fellow student Adrian Padilla, who is from Ecuador, said: “I was looking for a course that offered the opportunity to move around different countries. It has been a great experience, but still a challenge.”

Irene Gorordo said she chose the course after her sister studied on it last year.

She said: “I did a Law degree so I have come from a different area and the course has offered a really good way to broaden my international business knowledge, and improve my English.”

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