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School of Management Class of 2016 celebrates their graduation


University of Bradford School of Management students have been celebrating their degree success as they graduated this week.

After receiving their certificates from University Vice Chancellor Brian Cantor at the official ceremony at the Great Hall in the Richmond Building at City Campus on Tuesday the graduates attended a reception at the Students Union.

At the reception one outstanding student, Zhifei Pan (below) who was awarded a First Class Honours degree in Accounting and Finance was presented with an award by Colin Whitehead of chartered accountants Naylor Wintersgill for gaining the best results in Level 3 accounting modules.

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Pictured above: Zhifei Pan receives her award from Colin Whitehead of Naylor Wintersgill

Colin said: "Naylor Wintersgill is absolutely delighted to have presented Zhifei with the award for best performance in her final year of the Accountancy and Finance degree.

"Here at Naylor Wintersgill we know the importance of supporting and encouraging our colleagues in their technical and professional development and it very promising for the future of the accounting profession to see such hard work, dedication and commitment from Zhifei being recognised by this award. We wish Zhifei every success for the future.”

Human Resource Management student Liliya Georgieva was awarded the Hannah Collins Book Prize for the best result in Psychology at Work and The Firm and the Strategic Importance of Human Resource Management.

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Pictured above: Human Resource Management BSc graduate Liliya Georgieva being presented her award by Director of Studies of Undergraduate Programmes Margaret Allipoor, centre, and Liliya's proud mother

In other years, Arshad Farooq won the Baker Tilly Prize for the best second year student on the Accounting and Finance BSc.

The West Yorkshire Society of Chartered Accountants (WYSCA) Prize for best first year student on the Accounting and Finance course went to Nabeel Rathoer.

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Pictured above: Bethany Shaw celebrates graduating in Business and Management BSc

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Pictured above: Steven Zurheide celebrates graduating in International Business Management and securing at graduate job with Google

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Pictured above: Business and Management BSc student Benjamin Roberts celebrates his graduation‌