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Prestigious Principal Fellow of Higher Education Academy award for professor


A professor of Human Resource Management and Organisation Studies at the University of Bradford School of Management has been honoured with a prestigious title by a respected higher education body.

Prof Nelarine Cornelius has been made a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

The Principal Fellowship was awarded in part in recognition of her efforts on the doctoral programme at Bradford School of Management, on the Social Sciences doctoral programme at the University of Lagos (Nigeria) and universities in Canada, France and Germany, and training in the areas of community health and community policing in the UK

A formal announcement was made confirming this prestigious award at the University of Bradford’s Learning and Teaching Research Conference this week by the Pro Vice Chancellor for Teaching and Learning, Prof Shirley Congdon.

Higher Education Academy

The Higher Education Academy states that it awards a Principal Fellowship to those who "have a sustained, effective record of strategic impact at institutional, national or international level and be committed to wider strategic leadership in teaching".

Prof Cornelius has recently been co-facilitator for a doctoral workshop on academic writing for PhD students at the University of Paris, Nanterre, for students from across the University of Paris.

The format was based on a successful workshop held at Bradford, hosted by Bradford Centre for Business in Society, run jointly with Prof Eric Pezet (Paris Nanterre) earlier this year.

Prof Cornelius is helping to develop stronger relations between the Univervity of Bradford and the University of Paris.