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Irregular War: Will the World after ISIS be more peaceful?


If ISIS is evicted from its main centres will that be the end of the movement or will it re-appear in a different guise? More significantly, though, is the war against al-Qaida and ISIS an example of the kind of conflict that will become much more common if we don't address the fundamental world problems of the economic marginalisation of billions of people and climate disruption. If so, how do we prevent a descent into a world riven with irregular war? Professor Paul Rogers, University of Bradford gave this public lecture and question and answer session.

Professor Paul Rogers

Professor of Peace Studies, Paul Rogers, continues his work on trends in international conflict with a particular focus on the interactions of socio-economic divisions and environmental constraints. Within this area of study he works on issues such as the politics of energy resource use and the impact of climate change on international security. He has a particular research interest in radicalisation and political violence. His regional emphasis is primarily on the Middle East and South Asia and his work on sustainable security links with Oxford Research Group. He is also involved in a new pilot project for the Network for Social Change on “Remote Control” – the use of armed drones, Special Forces, privatised military companies and other forces to maintain control, raising issues of ethical behaviour, accountability, precedent-setting and risk of proliferation. In the past, Paul lectured at Imperial College and was a Senior Scientific Officer in Kenya and Uganda.

Paul has written or edited 26 books and has published over 100 papers. His work has been translated into many languages including Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Turkish, Farsi, Catalan, Polish, Greek, French, German, Dutch, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian.

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Watch the full lecture here.