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First prize for exhibit at Historic Environment Scotland Research Showcase


Dr Lindsey Büster was awarded first prize for her exhibit at the Historic Environment Scotland Research Showcase event in Edinburgh on Thursday 21st April.

The exhibit showcased two Historic Environment Scotland legacy projects directed by at the University of Bradford (The Broxmouth Project and the Sculptor's Cave Publication Project) and the exhibit was entitled: 'New Insights from Old Data: Analysis and Publication of Legacy Excavations'- both were excavations originally funded by Historic Environment Scotland but not brought to publication.

"I was a PhD student on The Broxmouth Project and am now managing the Sculptor's Cave Publication Project as a Post-Doctoral Researcher," said Lindsey.

"The prize was awarded for our innovative presentation of the projects, which included posters, 3D prints of parts of the Sculptor's Cave from digital capture technology, and a clip from the Channel 5 documentary Underground Britain, on which The Sculptor's Cave Publication Project featured (first broadcast October 2014)."

"It was also awarded for our showcasing of the enduring value of legacy projects which, with the addition of new theoretical, methodological and theoretical frameworks, have much still to offer in terms of research, heritage management and public engagement," said Lindsey.

Read more about the projects on our .