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EU Referendum Statement


Message from the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Brian Cantor

Following the outcome of the EU referendum to leave the European Union the University of Bradford wants to reassure applicants, students and staff that there is unlikely to be any immediate negative impact since there will be a lengthy negotiation process during which time the terms of the UK's exit from the European Union will be decided.

The University will be working with Universities UK and other agencies, seeking advice and guidance throughout the period of transition particularly on issues that may directly affect our non-UK European Union students and staff.

It is important to note that there will be no immediate material change to either the UK university sector's participation in EU programmes such as Horizon 2020 and Erasmus+, or the immigration status of current and prospective EU students and staff.

We are proud of the University of Bradford's strong international profile that includes many outstanding staff and students from the EU and we will continue to seek to strengthen our diverse community and deliver on our core objectives of excellence, internationalisation, equality and diversity and sustainability.

Brian Cantor
25 June 2016