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Bradford students join BBC to film EU debate


University of Bradford students will be working with the BBC to film an EU referendum debate programme to be broadcast nationally.

Look North presenter Harry Gration, an Honorary Graduate of the University, will host the programme, being filmed at the Alhambra studio in the city and scheduled for broadcast on Sunday June 12 at 10.35pm on BBC 1.

The programme is being filmed and produced by the BBC in partnership with the University, using the and high definition cameras. The broadcast will be crewed by University students working alongside the BBC crew and University staff. Filmed “as live” on the day of broadcast, the show will be transmitted back to Leeds via satellite for screening.

The University’s Film and Television Production students have developed a productive relationship with the BBC and have gained considerable experience at filming live events for the corporation. Last year a team of students, along with lecturer Chris Hazell and University Technical Manager Mat Overton, filmed a BBC One general election debate at Leeds Arena, and provided live coverage for BBC Music Day and BBC One Yorkshire’s Children in Need.

Mat said: “This is a fantastic experience for the students to work on a major broadcast, and experience the pressure and excitement that makes up this event. Three members of BBC staff working on the production, Emma Shales, Charlotte Murphy and Jaimini Chandarana, are also recent graduates from the university’s media courses.

“BBC Yorkshire has a close relationship with the School of Media, Design and Technology. We run a rolling placement scheme where four days in every week, a student from the school shadows technical staff at the BBC in Leeds. This has led to some of our students gaining BBC staff contracts ahead of graduating.”