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Bradford School of Management professor to present high performing work research findings at Curtin University, Malaysia


An Associate Professor in Human Resource Management University of Bradford School of Management will be travelling to Borneo to present at a major business conference later this month.

Dr Robert Perrett will be making the trip to present at the 33rd Annual Pan-Pacific Business Association Conference, hosted by Curtin University in Sarawak, Malaysia (pictured below).

Dr Perrett will be presenting findings from a research project he has been leading in South Australia.

He said: “My research looks specifically at high performing work system within the South Australian manufacturing sector. A lot can be learned from how some Australian businesses are insulating themselves from direct competition with lower cost Chinese markets.”

Professor Jonathan Winterton, Dean of the Faculty of Business at Curtin Sarawak and conference chair, said: “One of the enduring challenges of management is how to sustain superior performance in comparison to competing enterprises. The ultimate measure of performance is return on human capital as well as other non-financial employee measures that meet the strategic goals of the business.”

Dr Perrett will be presenting in the Special Colloquium on Organizational Performance where he will discuss the people management strategies adopted by a number of Australian businesses and how these meet their advanced manufacturing demands. He is currently expanding his research into the UK conducting a number of large scale workforce surveys across Yorkshire.

“If any Yorkshire businesses want to better understand how their workforce feel and identify, and how this impacts on performance please get in touch with me,” added Dr Perrett.

Dr Perrett has developed a scientific workforce survey on high performance and is offering Yorkshire businesses a free diagnostic report over summer 2016.

To contact Dr Perrett, email

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