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Bradford School of Law seminar to discuss EU referendum and legal implications of free movement of people


Immigration and what could change after the UK goes to the polls to vote whether or not to stay in the EU will be the topic of a research seminar at the University of Bradford School of Law this week.

Ed Mowlam, a lecturer and PhD researcher at Bradford School of Law, will be chairing the seminar, entitled Brexit, Citizenship and the Free Movement of People.

Mr Mowlam says whether the UK votes to remain or leave the EU in the referendum on June 23, the relationship between the UK and the EU is subject to change.

He said: "Following the protracted European Council meetings in February this year, the ‘Reform Deal’ will instigate its own legal changes.

"While David Cameron did not secure the fundamental far-reaching change set out in the Conservative Party’s 2015 manifesto, there will be some reform of social security payments for new European migrants in the UK, a check on further political integration, and eurozone safeguards.

"None of this however has been backed up by way of treaty change, and the legal questions and ramifications will rumble on should the UK vote to remain in the EU."

The seminar will consider the question of the free-movement of people in the event of a vote for leave.

Mr Mowlam said: "Much is open to speculation; what, if anything, might replace the current model of EU citizenship and free movement of people as it pertains to the UK, and what the subsequent effect might be on those EU citizens already resident in the UK, and vice versa?

"As these questions can only be fully answered once Art. 50 TFEU has been triggered and the withdrawal negotiations have been concluded, this talk will present more questions and suppositions than solid conclusions.

"Nevertheless, considering questions of this sort are vital in the run-up to the referendum.

'Furthermore, this also highlights a disappointing truth of the referendum campaign thus far, in that answers to such questions have not yet been suitably addressed by the Government, or the official Leave or Remain campaigns."