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Bradford professor nominated for world science award


A University of Bradford professor has been recognised by the World Cultural Council for her work on DNA in blood cells in human studies.

Professor Diana Anderson (pictured front row, third from right) was nominated for the Albert Einstein World Award of Science for her work. Although missing out on the top prize, she was invited to attend the ceremony at Riga Technical University in Latvia.

Professor Anderson said: “To be recognised at such a level and, and to be considered among such company, really is an honour and a tremendous boost for the University of Bradford. The ceremony was a wonderful event and I was extremely proud to represent the University.”

The award was won by Professor Edward Witten of Princeton, USA, for physics/mathematics relating to black holes.

The World Cultural Council is an international organisation whose goals are to promote cultural values, goodwill and philanthropy among individuals. The organization, which was founded in 1981 and based in Mexico, has held a yearly award ceremony since 1984 by granting the Albert Einstein World Award of Science, the José Vasconcelos World Award of Education, and the Leonardo da Vinci World Award of Arts to outstanding scientists, educators, and artists, who have contributed positively to the cultural enrichment of mankind.

The Albert Einstein World Award of Science was created as a means of recognition and encouragement for scientific and technological research and development. It takes into special consideration research that has brought true benefit and wellbeing to mankind.

The winner of the award is elected by the Interdisciplinary Committee, which is composed of world renowned scientists, among them 25 Nobel laureates.