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Botswana Alumni Networking Event May 2016


On Saturday 14 May over 40 alumni of the University of Bradford in Botswana were reunited at a special 50th Anniversary networking event in Gaborone.

Held at the Avani Hotel the event, the first alumni event held in Botswana, was hosted by Dr Hamish Main of the University of Bradford International Office. Also in attendance was Dr Andrew Carruthers of the Faculty of Engineering and Informatics.

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Following a welcome talk by Dr Hamish Main and a presentation delivered by Dr Carruthers, alumni were able to network and enjoy drinks and nibbles with fellow Braduates and some prospective students who were also invited along to the event.

The event also marked the formation of a Batswana Alumni Group to facilitate increased connectivity and networking among graduates in Botswana.

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More photos from the event can be found on the University of Bradford Alumni Official Facebook Page.