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Biomedical Science student has article published in journal


A second year Biomedical Science student writes about her experience of doing work experience at Dewsbury and District Hospital and how this led to her co-writing an article that has been published.

Farah Andaleeb undertakes hospital work experience during the summer holidays with a Consultant in Diabetes and Endocrinology at Dewsbury and District Hospital. Experience within the hospital has shown her the importance of clinical management requiring cooperation and support from both health professionals and patients. Additionally, she has had the opportunity to write articles on topics in regards to Pregnancy and Obesity during the summer of 2014.

"Last summer I was told to co-write an article to be published in 'Diabesity in Practice'- a journal for healthcare professionals managing people with coexistent diabetes and obesity. The research for this article; 'Weight Management in University', was carried out using various sources to gain more insight into the topic, as well as talking to peers," she said.

"With the topic of obesity always in the headlines, it is something I feel should be tackled at a younger age and it is vital to educate people and encourage them towards a healthier lifestyle."

You can read the full article: Weight management at university (pdf).