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University of Bradford graduate on track to be a top teacher in USA


A University of Bradford graduate has been selected for a prestigious teaching fellowship program in the United States that prepares top teachers in STEM subjects.

Indira Bhatnagar is among sixty-five individuals who will be part of the second cohort of the Woodrow Wilson New Jersey Teaching Fellowship program. The highly competitive program recruits both recent graduates and career changers with strong backgrounds in science, technology, engineering, and maths—the STEM fields—and prepares them specifically to teach in high-need secondary schools.

Indira graduated from Bradford with an MSc in manufacturing systems engineering in 1991, and will attend the College of New Jersey to undertake the Fellowship program.

The Fellowship focuses on preparing top-quality educators for many of New Jersey’s most underserved schools. Each Fellow receives $30,000 to complete a specially designed, cutting-edge master’s degree program based on a year-long classroom experience. In return, Fellows commit to teach for three years in the urban and rural New Jersey schools that most need strong STEM teachers. Throughout the three-year commitment, Fellows receive ongoing support and mentoring.

“We are committed to helping New Jersey strengthen and ensure its pipeline of effective educators,” said Dr. Stephanie Hull, executive vice president and chief operating officer of the Woodrow Wilson Foundation. “These new Fellows are impressive, dedicated candidates who want to make a career of teaching the students who need them most in urban and rural New Jersey. We are proud of our Fellows and confident that they are on track to make a real difference in young people’s lives.”