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University of Bradford flies the flag for green spaces


The University of Bradford's grounds have been ranked among the best parks and green spaces in the country after being awarded a prestigious green flag award.

The flag, which is placed next to the Horton building represents the hard work and commitment of the University in providing green spaces for students, staff and the local community. It will serve as a sign to everyone that the University grounds are maintained and managed to an excellent standard with first-class facilities.

Chris Mudd Building, maintenance officer at the University of Bradford said: “We are very proud to receive this external recognition of the quality of our grounds and to be one of only 10 UK universities to fly the Green Flag.

“The Main Campus is an asset to the city of Bradford, and is valued by local people as well as our students and staff. The award reflects the hard work that our dedicated staff put in to maintaining the University grounds to the highest standard."

The University of Bradford is one of a record number of parks and green spaces receiving the Green Flag Award this year, ensuring that even more of us now have access to well-managed, high-quality green spaces.

Clive Wilson, Director of Estates and Facilities, said: “The University is passionate about wellbeing, ecology and biodiversity. Our gardening team have been working quietly in the background over the past ten years to create a truly unique urban space to make the University of Bradford one of the greenest city based Universities in the country. We should all be proud of that achievement.”

The judges noted that the campus accommodates different activities including sports, places to sit and relax, places to walk and amphitheatre for events and is well maintained and pleasant to walk around.

More information on the sustainable campus can be found on our website.