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Sport Rehabilitation students get hands-on at the Bradford City Run


On Sunday 25th October a group of eleven 2nd and 3rd year BSc (Hons) Sport Rehabilitation students from the University of Bradford provided free post-race sports massage to runners competing in the Bradford Ciy Run.

The group worked on over 90 runners throughout the day, treating a wide range of athletes from professional Bradford Bulls rugby players to recreational runners who had never previously attempted the distance. The students also offered some basic nutritional and post event stretching advice which was well received by all participants.

Claire Graham, Programme Lead for Sport Rehabilitation at the University of Bradford said, ‘The students were a credit to the University, receiving consistently good feedback from both athletes and staff. This type of hands on experience is invaluable for the students’ development, as they are putting into practice concepts that have been delivered in theoretical sessions. As a department we enjoyed supporting an event held within the City and, as a result, hopefully the general public will have an increased awareness to the excellent student-led services that we offer here at the University of Bradford’.

The students and staff used the opportunity to advertise the based at the University. This heavily discounted service, provided by students (supervised by clinical staff), offers treatment for a wide range of neuro-musculoskeletal injuries/illness to any member of the general public.