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Professor Diana Anderson invited as guest of honour to the CSIR Indian Institute of Toxicology Research


Diana was invited to the institute's prestigious 50th golden jubilee celebrations on 4th November, due to her longstanding relationship with the Institute.

Whilst there, Diana attended the Research Council meeting and a two day Symposium entitled an International Toxicology Conclave. Diana was awarded with a Plaque of Honour and an award from the International Toxicology Conclave.

The Director of the Institute, Professor Alok Dhawan originally met Diana 21 years ago, when he spent three months with her in the UK after being awarded India’s Young Scientist of the Year. Since then he and Diana have maintained a great working relationship, with Diana offering Alok advice and support as he set up the Institute of Life Sciences at Ahmedabad University.

Professor Anderson, said: "It was a big honour to be invited as a special guest by the Institute and I feel very proud. I received a fantastic welcome and I was very impressed with the celebrations."