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IET Lecture: Visual Computing Technologies and Applications - Working with Big Industries


Prof. Rami Qahwaji, along with Dr. Omar Ashamari and Dr. MhD Saeed Sharif, will be presenting an IET (Institute of Engineering and Technology) lecture, which will take place at the University of Bradford on 19th February 2015.

Visual computing technologies deal with real-life data captured by a variety of sensors. The data could be complex, huge, multi-dimensional, multi-wave length, noisy, etc. Image/signal processing, machine learning and 3D modelling technologies work together to improve the quality of data and produce useful information and/or knowledge that can be used for variety of applications such as Big Data, Modelling, Prediction, Diagnostics, visualisation, etc.

Prof. Qahwaji, Dr. Ashamari and Dr. Sharif, will be introducing some of the technologies and applications they have developed in the field of visual computing in close collaboration with industries such as the NHS and the European Space Agency (ESA).

Venue: Room GTA JSB, Richmond, Bradford University.


1800: Refreshments

18:30PM-20:30PM: Lecture

For Additional information please contact Prof. Rami at