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Events at the British Science Festival 2011


Centre for Pharmaceutical Engineering Science Events held as part of the 2011 British Science Festival in Bradford

The British Science Festival is one of Europe's largest science festivals and it came to Bradford in 2011!

The Centre for Pharmaceutical Engineering Science, based at the University of Bradford held two events as part of this prestigious festival on Monday 12th September 2011 focusing on Health from Honey Bees.

Health from Honey Bees Exhibition was held from 9.00am until 3.00pm in the Atrium of Richmond Building, University of Bradford, BD7 1DP.

The exhibition was a great success and had visitors buzzing with interest! We had over 100 visitors come to view our stand and talk with our scientists and James Fearnley (our partner from Natures Laboratory) to learn more about the work we were carrying out converting raw products from honey bees into healthcare products.

The event was over subscribed and we had 130 audience members that came to learn about:

- How do honey bees naturally produce products that have health benefits?
- How bee products (apiceuticals) are transformed into new medicines and healthcare products for human and animal health
- The art of bee-keeping from the University of Bradford bee-keepers with audience participation in making candles

The feedback showed that 98% of attendees were impressed with the overall event - next time we shall use a bigger hall!

Dr Riddhi Shukla and Prof. Anant Paradkar were also invited to present at a podcast with the X-change team at the British Science Association on day 4 of the British Science Festival event. To listen to our podcast please scroll to time 58:36.

Finally Prof. Anant Paradkar and James Fearnley were invited to attend a press conference with journalists on Thursday 15 September.