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Bradford student awarded IBMS eStudent Science Festival bursary


Miriam Sadiq, a first year BSc (hons) Biomedical Science student at the University of Bradford, has been awarded the IBMS eStudent British Science Festival bursary.

The bursary is awarded annually to an IBMS eStudent member, enabling then to attend the British Science Festival. The bursary offers IBMS eStudent members the chance to meet leading scientists and speakers, engage in discussions about the impact of science and to see excellent public engagement in action.

On hearing she had been awarded the bursary, Mariam was delighted: "I was stunned at first . . . then incredibly proud and happy! As a first year biomedical science student, it was a genuine surprise and a tremendous honour to be awarded the IBMS eStudent BSA festival bursary award, and I am very grateful to the IBMS for making such opportunities available to students.

I invested a lot of time and effort in my application, and I could not wait to share the good news with my University tutor who has been very supportive of my involvement with the IBMS.

I originally heard of the British Science Festival a few years ago, but unfortunately never had the chance to attend . . . until I found out about the BSA Bursary this year.

The British Science Festival is a very attractive event from a student’s perspective, and brings together leading scientists and the general public, whilst also offering the opportunity to meet a wide range of professionals. I was therefore very determined to do my very best and apply to the BSA Festival bursary, as the British Science Festival is the place to be for anyone interested in Science, and I am proud to be part of that community.

Attending the British Science Festival will allow me to interact with many science professionals and leading researchers, and witness them bringing their knowledge of the latest innovations to the general public, in an interesting and captivating way. I am also looking forward to taking part in the open discussions, and see the large arrays of opinions various persons may have on a given topic. The British Science Festival is definitely the best way to develop communication and interpersonal skills in a scientific environment.".

You can read Mariam's award winning bursary entry on biomedical science and its role in healthcare at:,941.

Find out more about IBMS eStudent grants and prizes at