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Bradford Law Students Win Moot


December saw Bradford Law Society students Sara Fullalove (2nd year) and Pierre Clarke (3rd year), triumph against Leeds University Law School in the first round of the Essex Court Mooting event.

2015 is the first year our Law students have taken part in the national competition, the winner of which is offered a mini-pupillage in the Essex Court chambers, a cash prize and a trophy.

Sara, who acted as lead council commented “Law students rarely have the opportunity to use their legal knowledge in real life situations. Mooting allows us to gain experience of applying the law to legal minds who pass judgment on our legal interpretation and advocacy skills. We are lucky here at Bradford to have the support of our academic team, some of whom still practice law.”

It was a tough moot and the judges found merit in both arguments, however Bradford won by a margin of 9 points.

With the all-important first win under their belt the team are looking forward to the next round and hope to be a step closer to the once in a lifetime opportunity to moot in the Supreme Court in London in the final round.