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University of Bradford students design winning 'apps'


Talented students from the University of Bradford will be recognised this week for their skills in designing new functions for the University mobile app.

Talented students from the University of Bradford will be recognised this week for their skills in designing new functions for the University mobile app.

As part of its recent Geek Week, the University held a competition inviting students to create designs for new functionality which would be added to ‘About UoB’, the official University of Bradford mobile app.

The designs had to fit in one of four categories; Campus Life, Ecoversity, Employability and Study. Each category had a £1000 first place prize and a £300 second place prize. The winners will collect their prizes from the judging panels at a celebratory event at the University on Wednesday 12 March.

The winners are:-
• Elly Parkinson, second year Chemical and Forensic Sciences student for designing a study countdown timer to track study time.
• Gary Malazarte-Smith, third year Archaeological Sciences student, designing a Societies and Events lookup database.
• Shalom Jesusanmi, second year Mechanical Engineering student for designing a Career catcher to help search for jobs
• Rebecca Hirst, third year Archaeological Sciences student for designing an Ecoversity Trail including a GPS map of nature areas and recycling zones.

John Fairhall, Mobile Technology Adviser at the University of Bradford said: “The large number of impressive entries varied from written specs to fully-designed interfaces, submitted by students from a wide range of courses. The entries we had were outstanding and it was a really tough decision.”

Also receiving special recognition will be Vasiliki Delimpasi, whose professional entries didn’t win but were so impressive she was awarded a prize of £300 and was also offered an internship by the sponsors of the prize oMbiel, makers of the CampusM app used by the University.

App Geek Contest Panel member Andrew Taylor from oMbiel, said: “It was a real pleasure to come to Bradford and see all the great ideas that have been produced by students. I can’t wait to see them implemented in the app.”