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University of Bradford ranked one of the greenest universities in the world


Universitas Indonesia (UI) has released the results of UI GreenMetric World University Ranking, with the University of Bradford scooping fourth place.

Universitas Indonesia (UI) has released the results of UI GreenMetric World University Ranking, with the University of Bradford scooping fourth place.

The latest 2013 Greenmatric rankings compiled data within six categories from 301 universities across 61 countries to find that the University of Bradford had performed highly in campus sustainability and environmentally friendly university management.

The categories combined efforts at setting and infrastructure, energy and climate change, waste management, water usage, transportation and education. The University of Bradford achieved a score of 7,112 by committing itself to a wide ranging and effective strategic plan to reduce the environmental impacts and enhance the knowledge of University students and staff.

These include:

· Energy and Carbon – Carbon footprint reduced by over 30%, installed range of renewable technologies and combined heat and power system.

· Water – Fit as standard low flow taps, waterless urinals and rainwater reused in many new developments to flush toilets.

· Waste – 75% of waste recycled or reused and landfill waste reduced by 80%.

· Travel – Increased number of campus users commute sustainably, with an improvement in virtual meetings and remote working options for staff.

· Greening – Green oasis’ on campus with an increased number of habitats, large amount of edible planting and allotment sites.

· Education – All course modules include a bespoke element on sustainability and how students can use that knowledge in a sustainable manner.

Clive Wilson, University of Bradford’s Director of Estate and Facilities said: “In the last 10 years we have transformed our urban University into a beacon for sustainable development. Our campus has 3 BREEAM outstanding buildings, high-efficiency refurbishments and green oasis of edible plants. Our students learn about how to live a sustainable life through their courses, residences and interaction with our campus.

“The fourth place in the GreenMetric justifies all the work that we’ve done and re-energises us to continue making improvements.”

Universities from Namibia, Egypt and Estonia were among those that took part in the survey which has been in operation annually by Universitas Indonesia since 2010.