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University of Bradford employee wins national award


Nadira Mirza, the University's Director of Student Success, has won the 'Services to Education' category at the British Muslim Awards 2014.

Nadira Mirza, the University's Director of Student Success, has won the 'Services to Education' category at the British Muslim Awards 2014.

The event, which was held in Manchester, celebrates British Muslims who have made a significant contribution to UK society.

The Salford City Stadium, Manchester, played host to the second annual British Muslim Awards, presented by the Islamic Bank of Britain, last night (Thursday 30 January.)

The awards recognised a wide range of achievements which cover various aspects of society including business, charity, sport, arts and culture.

On winning the award Nadira said: “I feel honoured and excited to have won the award 'services to education' and that my work with local and international school communities and at the University of Bradford has received public recognition.

“I am proud that this award has come to Bradford, it adds to the recognition of the great things we are doing in the District.”

The Awards were presented by Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh OBE of Hamilton Burns WS and welcomed over 400 attendees.

The event honoured the success and achievements of Britain’s Muslim individuals, groups and business people, as well as raising money for The Well Foundation. Set up in 2008, The Well Foundation aims to raise money to build wells, install hand pumps and establish health and sanitation programs to provide accessible clean water to the stricken regions of the world.