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Triple gold is blooming marvellous


Everything is blooming rosy in the grounds of the University of Bradford.

For the third year running, the University's grounds team has carried off the best in category Yorkshire in Bloom Gold Rose Award for universities, colleges and further education establishments.

The team won a separate Gold Award for the quality of the grounds and a special Environmental Quality Award.

The team received the awards from BBC The Big Allotment Challenge judge Jim Buttress at a ceremony at York Racecourse.

The judges visited both the University's city centre campus and the School of Management and were particularly impressed by the environmental awareness of the planting, highlighting the 'delight of varied wildlife-friendly planting which includes the green roof, ponds, woodland walks, meadow planting, herbs, fruit and vegetable planting throughout being available for pick your own schemes to encourage student involvement'.

The team has also worked closely with Foxhill Primary School, encouraging the pupils to get involved with gardening.

Chris Mudd, building maintenance officer who leads the team of five, said: "We're extremely proud to have won this award for a third year running and it's a real testament to the hard work the team have put in yet again. They are passionate about what they do and that really shows through in the quality of the grounds that everybody can enjoy."