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Top Tips for A-Level Results Day


A-Level results day on Thursday 14 August is a long awaited date etched into many people's diaries, but according to the University of Bradford it does not need to be as stress filled as the actual exams.

Mark Garratt, Director of External Affairs at the University of Bradford, said: "It's a big day for students, parents and teachers, and anxieties run high, but with a little preparation beforehand it is possible to survive it and make plans for a very successful future."

He advises "It is important to keep calm and be prepared for all possible outcomes. You may do better than you think and wish to ‘adjust’ your choice, or you may not achieve the grades you need and have to enter Clearing, the process through which students can apply to any university spaces not yet filled.

"Either way it’s important to have a Plan B in place before 14 August. Think about what subject areas you're interested, where your strengths lie, and what universities you'd like to study at. Do lots of research now so you are ready to take action as quickly as possible to secure the university or course you want once you know your results.

"We are advising all students getting results later this month that 'good things come to those who don’t wait', so get in contact even before your results are out to discuss your options if things go differently than expected on the day."

The University of Bradford has a useful list of top tips for surviving results day and the Clearing process:

  • Stay calm, don’t panic and get organised.
  • Draw up a list now of alternative options available to you. That list should include alternative courses and universities.
  • Think about where you want to go and what the university you’re looking at has to offer. Is there an opportunity for a placement year? What are the graduate prospects? What is the student experience like? Will you be using state-of-the-art equipment in your study? Who will you be taught by?
  • Be realistic in choosing courses you want to study. Time is of the essence on results day. Use UCAS and check the course against your grades before calling.
  • On the day do recognise that if you’re not getting offers for a course, due to your grades, you might need to rethink your chosen subject area or University you’re applying to.
  • Visit the universities you are considering attending where possible and remember to take someone with you for impartial advice, for example the University of Bradford has Clearing Open Days on 14 to 17 August and 20 August.
  • Make sure you’re contactable and can find information easily. Be close to a phone and computer.
  • Do remember to stay calm. A-level results day and Clearing can be a daunting time, especially if you’ve suffered a disappointment with grades. Ringing up universities for a place through Clearing might be the last thing you feel like doing. Remember, thousands of other students in the UK will be in the same position and universities deal with the process of Clearing every year.

To see more tips and advice for A-level results day visit our website.