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Success for Bradford Media Students


Media students, from the University of Bradford, have scooped an award by the Royal Television Society (RTS).

The RTS awarded the students first prize in the Undergraduate Entertainment category for the Student Television Awards on Friday 16 May 2014.

The students, Elliot Nelson, Alex Rudys, Nichola Emsley, Simeon Petkov and Gary Quan won the award with their short comedy drama called ‘Telebox’.

The film, a short story of three students, who in their final days of student life discover a teleporting cardboard box, was described by judges as “brave and ambitious despite its small production budget. The script was well-written with a clear narrative arc and the characters had been well thought through. It was executed to a high standard with accomplished direction.”

Ali Rashid, from the School of Media, Design and Technology at the University, said: “A comedy drama that is actually humorous is difficult to pull off but the makers of Telebox succeeded. They demonstrated excellent technical and editorial skills.”

450 entries from 85 institutions across the UK competed in the awards and the students won one of four undergraduate awards with their film, which was a final year project in 2013. They graduated from BA Television Production, BSc Media Technology and Production and BSc Web Design and Technology.

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