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Born In Bradford group taking part in Europe-wide programme to tackle obesity and bad diet


The Born In Bradford group has been chosen to deliver a European Commission funded scheme to tackle obesity and bad diet.

It will "use positive messages to promote healthy lifestyles" and target three main groups - children and young people, pregnant women and new mothers and people over 60 years old. Once complete, the findings could be used by the Commission to develop healthy eating and lifestyle programmes across the continent.

Born in Bradford is one of the biggest and most important medical research studies undertaken in the UK.

The project started in 2007 and is looking to answer questions about our health by tracking the lives of 13,500 babies and their families and will provide information for studies across the UK and around the world.

The aim of Born in Bradford is to find out more about the causes of childhood illness by studying children from all cultures and backgrounds as their lives unfold.

Prof Neil Small is one of the original founders of Born in Bradford and is the Academic Lead for the birth cohort study. Since its inception it has grown considerably and now employs further academic members of staff at the University of Bradford who are working on the project.

Find out more about the Born in Bradford project