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The Bupa Award for Innovation in Person Centred Care


The Bupa Award for Innovation in Person Centred Care recognises a University of Bradford Dementia Studies student, who has demonstrated exceptional innovation and creativity in translating their learning into practice, in order to benefit people with dementia, their families or colleagues.

Students completing either the Undergraduate Practice Project or the Postgraduate Understanding Experiences of Dementia modules will be eligible for the award. Student assignments on these modules will be judged for their innovation in translating the student’s learning into practice within their workplace.

The shortlisted candidates will be judged by a panel of Bradford Dementia Group staff including Professor Murna Downs, Chair in Dementia Studies, and Dr Claire Surr, Head of Education Programmes and Bupa staff, including Dr Graham Stokes, Director of Dementia Care and Kirsty Wilson, Programme Manager. The award will presented at the Journal of Dementia Care Annual Congress awards dinner.

The award reflects the ongoing partnership between the University of Bradford and Bupa and our joint commitment to improving the lives of people with dementia and their families through celebrating innovation in person centred care.


2013 Margaret Ryan

2012 Sarah Meharg

Highly commended: Gregory Payne and Debby Lamont

2011 Jodie Clarke