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Humane Technology & Innovation

Research Cluster

Welcome to the University of Bradford's Humane Technology & Innovation research cluster.

Together, we stand at the crossroads of technology and society, poised to redefine this intersection through our shared expertise and unwavering passion. Our cluster embodies a diverse consortium of researchers and technologists, all united by a shared ambition to not merely innovate but to ensure that our technological advancements enrich lives and foster a more inclusive and ethical world.

In alignment with the University of Bradford’s overarching theme of ‘Sustainable Societies’ and the School of Management’s focus on sustainability, digital innovation, and the green economy, we are uniquely positioned to address the pressing challenges of our times. Our work is deeply rooted in the principles of interdisciplinary collaboration, aiming to push the frontiers of research while building meaningful connections both within the University and on a global scale.

Our vision is to harness our collective expertise to produce internationally leading research that not only advances technological innovation but also ensures these innovations drive positive, sustainable change in society. We strive to create technology that is accessible to all, steering our endeavours towards contributing to a more equitable and conscientious world.

Together, we will empower our researchers to produce internationally leading work that not only pushes the boundaries of technology and innovation but also serves as a catalyst for tangible, sustainable change in our societies.

Dr Akiko Ueno, HTI Research Cluster Head

Our purpose

The Humane Technology and Innovation Research Cluster is dedicated to fostering an interdisciplinary research environment that investigates and shapes the development and implementation of technologies with a focus on human wellbeing and societal benefit. The cluster aims to cultivate a culture of responsible innovation, aligning technological progress with ethical standards, inclusivity, and sustainable practices.

Aims of HTI

As we embark on our journey to redefine the intersection of technology and society, the aims of our research cluster are crafted with the vision of harnessing the collective expertise and passion of our members. Rooted in the principles of interdisciplinary collaboration, our goals are to not only advance the frontiers of research but also to create meaningful connections within and beyond the University of Bradford. Herein, we outline our strategic ambitions that serve as the guiding stars for our collaborative endeavours:

  • Foster interdisciplinary collaboration across departments, faculties and globally to promote rich research
  • Expand networking opportunities to build partnerships and chances to create projects and societal impact
  • Enhance our research profile and transform findings into actionable policies and interventions for impact
  • Enhance public engagement and societal impact and foster wider conversation
  • Support development and build capacity through early-career mentoring and peer support
  • Grow postgraduate research opportunities and provide supervision throughout
  • Enhance our public profile proactively to promote our achievements and profiles


Cluster Members

HTI has worked to bring together a strong team of internal members who will work on interdisciplinary research and will aid the development and production of the HTI Research Cluster.

At current our members include:

  • Dr Akiko Ueno - Research Cluster Head
  • Dr Banita Lal - Associate Professor in Responsible Management
  • Dr. Berk Kucukaltan - Associate Professor of Business Performance and Digitalisation
  • Dr. Craig Johnson - Associate Professor in Operations and Information Management
  • Dr. Ebru Surucu Balci - Assistant Professor in Circular Supply Chains
  • Prof. Eva Kipnis - Professor in Marketing
  • Dr Mahnaz Mansoor - Assistant Professor in Marketing
  • Dr Oluwaseun Olabode - Assistant Professor in Marketing and International Business
  • Dr Rohit Trivedi - Associate Professor of Strategic Marketing
  • Dr. Richard Nelson - Senior Digital Learning Developer, Learning, Teaching & Student Experience
  • Prof. Sankar Sivarajah - Professor of Technology Management and Circular Economy
  • Dr Shoaib Padela - Lecturer in Marketing
  • Dr Takao Maruyama - Assistant Professor in Data Analytics

The cluster also has contributors from other schools within the University of Bradford including Social Sciences, Visual Computing and Intelligent Systems, Nursing and Built Environment, Architecture & Creative Industries.

The Cluster also has external members and an International Advisory Board, made up of members across the globe supporting our efforts.

We will also be working with a number of external partners to ensure that we have industry driven research allowing for practical outputs.

Recent Research

Our cluster members are engaged in research across a number of themes and topics with a strong emphasis on the impact of emerging digital technology on business, society and education. Notable themes include:

  • Digital Technology and Society
  • Business and Management
  • Education Technology
  • Impact of Technology on Workplace Dynamics and Diversity
  • Human-Computer Interaction and Robotics
  • Impact of Digital Service Delivery on Ageing Society and Social Wellbeing

Below you can explore a number of publications previously published by the School of Management in these areas.