Archive Accreditation: a first for the University of Bradford
Special Collections at the University of Bradford is an Accredited Archive Service.
Accreditation is the UK standard for managing archives. Accredited archive services take proper care of the wonderful collections they hold and work hard to make them available to students, staff, local people and anyone who might benefit from engaging with them. The award means that everyone who uses our collections, or donates materials to us, can be sure that we are managing them to the highest standard.
In August 2014 we became the first English university to achieve Accreditation. The initial award was provisional: we submitted a revised application addressing the issues in June 2016. In August 2016 we were delighted to announce that we had received full Accreditation.
This was a great achievement for a university which until 2000 had no professional archive staffing at all. The award reflects not only the hard work of the Special Collections staff, but of colleagues throughout the library and the university.
Find out more about Archive Accreditation: National Archives Archive Service Accreditation web page.