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Library fines and web payments


Fines are charged for some overdue items.

Note: if you have fines of £10 or more, you will not be able to renew your books or borrow further without clearing the fine.

Item type Charge
Inter-Library Loan 50p per day
Laptop £1 per hour
Lost book £50 per book

Library fines disputes

If you wish to dispute a library fine due to extenuating circumstances such as illness, family bereavement or other personal reasons, please complete the Fines disputes form downloadable below.

Return the form (along with any supporting evidence) to:

Fines Disputes
Customer Services
JB Priestley Library
University of Bradford
West Yorkshire


You should expect a response within 7 working days after receipt of your form.

Data protection

Information Services uses a secure third party provider to process payments. We take the security of your personal data very seriously - your credit or debit card details are not seen by Information Services, and the personal data we hold about you (name, address, department, course) are not seen by the company providing the payment service.

If you require this information in an alternative format, please contact our team. You can also read our Website Accessibility Statement.

Guidance for users on submitting a fines dispute form

Circumstances normally accepted with accompanying evidence

Illness - Please provide a medical note from a GP, hospital or clinic or provide confirmation from their department of their medical absence.

Family bereavement and other exceptional personal reasons - Please provide confirmation from someone who can confirm what has happened e.g. tutor, disability officer.

Circumstances normally not accepted

Not receiving (or not reading) email reminders or messages filtered into clutter/junk folder - Email notices and reminders are sent as a courtesy only. It is your responsibility to remain aware of the return/renewal date of their items.



Forgetting the return / renewal date - Return/renewal are available to view in your library account.

Item not renewable, because it is on hold for another borrower - Please note that you cannot renew if you have a fine £50 or more, or if the book has been reserved. Library books are a shared resource and we won't allow a user to have a book for extra time if another is waiting for it. Renewal is possible only when all requests have been satisfied.

Living at a distance - We expect those who live at some distance from the University to prepare beforehand by attempting to renew in good time and posting back to us any items which cannot be renewed.

Being away from campus for work, study or leisure purposes, for example on placement, at home for the vacation or on holiday - We expect you to prepare beforehand and if books are taken to be aware that they may be requested and will need to be returned. Failure to renew or return on time will result in fines.

Lack of access to the Internet - It is possible to renew in person or by phoning us on 01274 233301 during our staffed hours.

Having lent the item in question to another person - Return of items is the responsibility of the borrower.