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Do I need a visa to come to the UK and study?

Your course duration is more than 6 months

If you are an international student and your course duration is more than 6 months, you will require a Student visa.

Your course duration is 6 months or less

If you are only coming to study in the UK for a short time (6 months or less), you are allowed to study on a Standard Visitor Visa. You will need to follow the application requirements specific to your country.

You should use your offer letter to confirm your course and study dates for your visa application. If this is something you will require, please let us know.

If you are a current student please liaise with your programme contact for assistance.

I am already in the UK on a visa

If you already have immigration permission to come to (or remain in) the UK this might allow you to study. However, some immigration categories prohibit study so the Visa Support team will need to check your status before you can enrol on your course.

Please contact the Visa Support Team if you have any questions about you current immigration status.

You are an EU/EEA/Swiss national

If you are an EU/EEA or Swiss national then you will require permission to study in the UK, unless you have pre-settled or settled status, 

  • If your course is 6 months or less, you may study in the UK on a Standard Visitor Visa. You can apply for this at the border like other non-visa nationals.
  • If your course length is more than 6 months, you will require a Student Visa.