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Fairtrade at the University of Bradford

What is Fairtrade?

Fairtrade is one simple way to spark change – and it starts with our choices. Choosing Fairtrade means standing with farmers for fairness and equality, and against some of the biggest challenges the world faces. Fairtrade means fairer pay and more power in the hands of farmers, so that they can build a fairer future for their communities and create change for us all, from investing in climate-friendly farming techniques and clean water for their community, to nurturing women leaders and making sure children get an education. When you choose Fairtrade, you’re choosing the world you want to see.

Fairtrade changes the way trade works through upholding fair working principles and standards, and a fairer deal for farmers and workers. Fairtrade is the only certification that combines a fair minimum price for products and an extra amount of money (called the Fairtrade Premium) for farmers to spend on what their communities or businesses need.

Hands holding up raw fairtrade coffee beans

When you choose Fairtrade, you’re joining a global Fairtrade community of farmers, workers, businesses and consumers that’s tackling some of the biggest problems facing the planet right now.

Whether that’s climate change, women’s rights, child labour or poverty, you can be proud that you’re choosing to be part of the solution.

You’re starting a ripple of change. For example, it begins with more money for farmers, and how they choose to spend it – on new classrooms maybe, which could lead to more children in school, creating opportunities and career choices for the first time in generations.

Fairtrade works on many levels to strengthen environmental and climate protection and is committed to finding new ways to support farmers with the challenges of climate change. And so choosing Fairtrade means you’re making a wider impact on the planet by supporting a global fight for climate justice.

Man out of focus smiles whilst holding a fairtrade cup in Hondorus

Fairtrade University Award Achieved

The University of Bradford is proud to have achieved the Fairtrade University Award. Many thanks to our staff, students and customers for working with us and supporting Fairtrade at Bradford. We continue to maintain and improve our commitment to Fairtrade. 

Our Fairtrade mission

At the University of Bradford, we envision a world of inclusion and equality of opportunity where people want to, and can, make a difference. In doing our part, we commit to support, promote and work in line with Fairtrade guidelines for universities.

Fairtrade is part of our strategy to achieve the University’s goal of making a difference for a better, more inclusive sustainable world. With our values of excellence, inclusion, innovation, and trust at the core, we recognise that Fairtrade resonates with all of these. The University of Bradford is committed to supporting, advocating and promoting the principles of the Fairtrade Forum. Fairtrade is integral to achieving the University’s goal to drive sustainable social and economic development, thus contributing to a more sustainable world.

We hope all our students, staff and partners will join us in our journey towards a more sustainable and equitable world.

We will:

  • Sell Fairtrade products such as food and drinks in the retail and catering outlets
  • Campaign and advocate for Fairtrade
  • Create opportunities for our students and staff to engage in Fairtrade events and related research
  • Maintaining the Fairtrade University and College award through our Fairtrade SMART Action Plan
  • Produce an annual Fairtrade Impact report (PDF, 334.5KB)
  • Provide information on Fairtrade, surveys and the University’s ongoing efforts

The University Sustainable & Fairtrade Policy

Sustainable Food Policy (PDF, 305KB) March 22

As a University and as individual consumers, we have the power to make our world a better, more ethical and sustainable place. By making the right buying choices, we have the power to tackle many of the world’s greatest challenges, from poverty and child labour to climate change.

Stuart McKinnon-Evans: Project Board Sponsor, Sustainable Development Programme

Fairtrade on campus

You can support Fairtrade by purchasing:

  • Starbucks hot and cold drinks
  • Coffee Society drinks
  • Divine chocolate bars
  • Maltesers products
  • Mars products
  • Seed & Bean chocolate bars
  • Tate & Lyle products
  • Sweatshirts & t-shirts
University of Bradford Student Zareen Khan at a coffe shop on the campus

Our Fairtrade action plan

Our Fairtrade action plan keeps track of our goals as SMART objectives and outlines who is responsible for each step and its completion status. This is available on our Fairtrade action plan page.

Our Fairtrade survey

In 2023 we ran a Fairtrade survey at the University to understand what our staff and students thought about Fairtrade and its importance. The results of the Fairtrade survey are also available.

Fairtrade impact report

Over the last 12 months the University has increased the range of Fairtrade products available to purchase and hosted a variety of events on campus. View our Fairtrade Impact Report for more information.

What can you do to help?

We are on the lookout for students who are passionate about Fairtrade and interested in promoting ethical, fair practices throughout our services on campus. If you are interested here are just some of the ways in which you can get involved: 

  • Choose Fairtrade products and encourage others to do the same
  • Complete this 10 min  student survey about Fairtrade for the NUS
  • Consider building Fairtrade into your degree, if your course work or dissertation provides an opportunity to investigate Fairtrade, trade justice or ethical consumption issues
  • Donate directly to the Fairtrade Foundation
  • Become a student auditor for the Fairtrade University & College award on behalf of Students Organising for Sustainability. Volunteer auditors conduct an audit of the University to review the efforts to embed and promote Fairtrade and wider ethical consumption. Full training will be provided. View the  Role Description and applications should be submitted via the Survey Link. The deadline for this year has now passed. Details of the next date you are able to apply will be released in early 2023. 

Get in touch

The Fairtrade University and College Award gives recognition to institutions that have embedded ethical and sustainable practices through their curriculum, procurement, research and campaigns. The award is jointly delivered by the Fairtrade Foundation and Students Organising for Sustainability UK (SOS-UK).

If you have a question for the Hospitality & Retail team at the University please email: