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Creating solutions: How do we reduce health inequalities in Bradford?

Date and time
Attendance and participation
This is an online only event.
Road in Bradford on a grey, rainy day. Smoke and fumes rising into the sky.


As part of Unify, this unique event will explore the relationship between health inequalities and factors such as childhood, place and community. Each session will include a space to co-create ideas and possibilities that could potentially contribute to reducing these inequalities in Bradford and beyond.

There will be three sessions throughout the day hosted by Professor Marcus Rattray. You can attend the whole day or you can just attend the sessions which you are interested in.

Schedule / programme

Session TimeOverviewSpeakers
A Healthy Childhood 9.00 - 10.30 A Healthy Childhood plays an important role in ensuring every child gets the best start and is able to access the opportunities for them to succeed as adults. This session will touch on the many dimensions to a Healthy Childhood – early education, physical activity, place, family.  

Chair: Professor John Wright, Director, Bradford Institute for Health Research

Dr Andy Daly-Smith, Reader in Healthy Childhood, University of Bradford 

Professor Rosie McEachan, Director, Born in Bradford 

Christian Bunting, Director, Bradford Birth to 19 Teaching School Alliance 

Place and Environment 10.45 - 12.15 The place and environment where people live and work influences their health and wellbeing. This session will touch on the many dimensions to Place and Environment – design and affordability of houses, air and noise quality, access to services, maintained streets and public spaces.  

Chair: Professor Prathivadi Anand, Professor in Public Policy & Sustainability, University of Bradford

Dr Dhaval Thakker, Senior Lecturer in Computer Science, University of Bradford  

Adrienne Reed, Assistant Chief Executive Neighbourhood Services, Incommunities 

 Jason Longhurst, Interim Strategic Director – Place, Bradford Council

People and Community 14.45 - 16.15 People and community plays an important role in ensuring we have an equal society that provides opportunities for all. This session will touch on the many dimensions of People and Community – what matters most to people, access to services, education and employment, and how people feel they belong and contribute to society.  

Chair: Professor Shilrey Congdon, Vice-Chancellor, University of Bradford

Professor Siobhan Reilly, Director – Applied Dementia Studies, University of Bradford   

Zahra Niazi, Bradford for Everyone, Bradford Council 

Shadim Hussain, CEO at My Foster Family & Board Member at Bradford Foundation Trust