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Services for business

Talk to us if you are interested in:

  • offering work experience opportunities for students
  • providing graduate level employment
  • contributing to academic programmes
  • running a skills workshop
  • attending networking events and careers fairs

By becoming involved you can contribute to the local economy, benefit directly from the knowledge of academics and their students, and take advantage of our low-cost recruitment services. Plus, our placement and internship programmes are designed to let you observe how our students and graduates perform in the workplace, and see how they can add value to your business.

To find out more contact us at or call us on 01274 234991.


Quick links

Scroll down for more information and other options for engaging with our students and graduates.

Get involved

We are always interested to hear from businesses who would like to be involved with the University. You can engage with students in a number of ways:

The Bradford Graduate Internship Programme

Find out how our graduates can add a fresh approach to your organisation, with discretionary funding available for some placements.

See details on our BGI page

A group of students attending a networking event

Offering work experience or placements

The University promotes the importance of gaining work experience, and many of our graduates will leave the University with significant work-based skills. Career and Employability Services inputs into this programme by playing an active role in developing students' interpersonal skills, and through organising and encouraging participation in activities designed to develop employability skills.

Consequently, if you can offer work-based learning opportunities to our students please get in touch. We would be happy to discuss your opportunities with you and see how they can fit into our students' needs.

Whatever type of work experience opportunity you can offer - placements, summer internships, work-shadowing, volunteering - we can help you make contact with interested students.

Contact us at or on 01274 234991, and see more about advertising vacancies.

A female student looking into a microscope

Summer experience

Find out more about our Summer Experience placement programme which gives organisations access to a pool of enthusiastic and skilled students who are seeking valuable work experience during the summer vacation period. We are looking for a diverse range of projects to engage our students, so will be happy to consider applications from local and regional businesses in all sectors and industries.

Attending our events

See our information about Careers Fairs and other events on campus where you can interact with our students.

Help deliver our mock interview and assessment centre modules

Use your professional experience to help our students at these fun sessions. Email for details.

Delivering employability skills workshops and webinars

Every year as part of our employability programme we have a range of organisations who deliver presentations and workshops to our students, both on campus and through online webinars. Previous guest speakers have talked about specific careers, industry or employability skills, but whatever your idea if you'd like to work with our students we are always happy to hear from you. Email us today.  

A group of students at a careers workshop

Being involved in developing curriculum

All of the courses that we offer at the University of Bradford are designed with industry input, we work with national, international and local businesses. This real-life input ensures that our graduates have the skills they need to succeed and the confidence to use them.

If you are interested in being involved with designing courses at the University we would be delighted to hear from you. Contact us at


Our postgraduate students can offer professional consultancy for your live projects at no cost.

If you have a project which would benefit from a Masters or PhD student with expertise then contact us to find out more at or on 01274 235 823.

How to become a mentor

Since 2001, The Bradford Mentoring Programme has been a platform for University of Bradford students to connect with experienced professionals who can offer valuable help and advice based on their experiences.

Visit our dedication page for an information pack and how to find out more on becoming a mentor.

About Employer and Placement Services

The Employer and Placement Services Team is a key part of Career and Employability Services at the University of Bradford. Our primary aim is to develop links and relationships with employers and encourage them to work with us and provide opportunities for students and graduates to learn, work and progress in their chosen field.

We take a progressive approach to employer engagement and welcome discussions about new initiatives and ideas. Working with a university can be difficult if you don't know who to talk to. You may wish to link up to one or more departments to shape the way your future employees learn and think, become involved in pioneering new projects relevant to your industry, or you may simply wish to tap into a pipeline of fresh new talent as students emerge from their studies ready for the world of work. The Employer Services team can help you navigate the different ways you can become involved with the University and draw on the myriad of opportunities it offers.

Advice and Consultancy

Our knowledge of the graduate employment market and of students' perceptions and needs is considerable. If you want answers to questions such as:

  • What is the average starting salary for an engineer?
  • How can I make my vacancies more interesting to students?
  • Does our degree course in . . . contain modules on . . . ?
  • Would my project be suitable for a placement?
  • How can I recruit a diverse workforce?
  • What are my competitors doing to recruit the best people?

We will do our best to answer any question you have on graduate and student recruitment and selection, and if we don't know the answer, we'll find someone who does.

Meet the Employer and Placement Services Team