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Wellbeing in the workplace: placements and university 

Bradford Life


It can be hard to balance university life with work and placements. Maleehah shares some tips on how she balances her time and busy schedule.

A statue in a museum hall

My name is Maleehah and I'm studying LLB (Hons) Law. I'm in my third year and on placement at the Government Legal Department. In this blog, I'd like to share some tips with you to help you protect your wellbeing in the workplace.

My wellbeing goals

In my experience, protecting your wellbeing means taking care of your physical, mental and spiritual health - all three of these elements are paramount in my lifestyle. If you take care of these three elements of your health, you will find that it boosts your morale and general happiness in life.

It is important that we all maintain good physical health, but it is also important that we look after our minds too.

The Baildon canal surrounded by greenery.

Maintaining my wellbeing on placement

Maintaining your physical health whilst on placement can be challenging but it is really important. There are a few things I do every week to make sure I am looking after my own physical health.

I like to make sure that I take adequate time for lunch and find time out for my prayers - this is so important for my mind to relax and refresh to continue my working day.

Another important element of my work week, which is also one of the ways I maintain my physical health, is that I try my best to get out on walks during my commute and on weekends to meet my daily steps goal.

My spiritual health is also paramount - I ensure I keep a good connection through faith by praying and remembering Allah.

I find these things important as it is so easy to get engrossed with work goals that we sometimes forget about our own personal goals outside of work.

Taking time out of work

Taking holidays from work to focus on your wellbeing is so important in the working world. It's important to me that I take holidays and spend time with my family and friends.

I've been able to enjoy nature by visiting the countryside and I really enjoyed my visit to Baildon Moor and Steeton - they were both really nice and beautiful.

On weekends, I've also been able to visit museums, go shopping, have brunches, and even spa treatments.

Resources that help me

Maleehah holding a book in front of a fountain.

Carlton Prayer Room

In between lectures and seminars, I often visit the Carlton Prayer Room. As I am a person of faith, it has been my go-to spot when I need to decompress and be in the company of my faith. I use the Prayer Room as a safe space for mindfulness and connecting with Allah. It helps me so much mentally.

Islamic Society

Also, I made sure to take part in activities and events hosted by the Islamic Society (ISOC). It was great for learning about my faith and culture, along with meeting new people.

Counselling & Mental Health Service

The Counselling & Mental Health Service is a great tool you can use as a student if you feel as though you need any support. I would personally recommend this service as it is a free, confidential service that is accessible to all students on campus.

Personal Academic Tutors

Finally, my last piece of advice is to maintain good communication and a good relationship with your Personal Academic Tutor (PAT). They can help you whilst you're at university and it is good to talk to your PAT about any issues you may have either at uni or on placement.

Whether you're currently studying at university or are on a placement, we're here to help. Discover more about the support available to you as a student at Bradford.

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