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The rollercoaster of Results Day
Bradford Life Blog

Results Day can be a nerve-wracking time and it can be hard to know what to expect. Mamtaz shares some tips for making the most of Results Day.

As a second-year student, studying LLB (Hons) Law, it was not long ago that I also had the same butterflies in my stomach as you do now.

As the summer approaches, so does the anxiety that we have suppressed since our exams. Whether you're awaiting your results or you're simply curious about what the day looks like, we'll explore the excitement and anxiety that Results Day brings together.

Reflecting on my efforts and preparing mentally

As the exam season finishes and August comes closer, we are filled with excitement and anxiety.

The eve of Results Day is no less a day of us battling our inner demons and meeting the eager eyes of our loved ones. The years of hard work are about to conclude and are hidden behind a single envelope. Behind that envelope, our future awaits us.

Whether you're nervous about getting accepted by a university, finding out what your exam results are, or awaiting a decision on an apprenticeship application, it can feel like so much is at stake.

However, amidst all the anxiety, it is important that we don't forget 'me' time. Self-care and protecting our mental wellbeing is important now more than ever.

Practical tips for Results Day

Four students walking along the canal in Saltaire

Before Results Day, ensure you are nourished, well-rested, and organised to fight all your inner demons and whatever might happen that day.

Take some time out to spend with your loved ones and friends. This way, you know that you always have a shoulder to rely on, no matter what.

Self-care activities are vital in creating an environment where you are relaxed.

What I did after I got my results

After I got my results, I was very nervous about opening them. I knew that as soon as I opened them, it would be the moment I found out if I had gotten into university or not.

I felt overwhelmed, relieved, and happy once I saw that my hard work had paid off and I got some top grades. Some grades I was expecting, while others surprised me.

Eager to share the news, I immediately called my family to share that I had got into university. They were equally delighted to hear the news.

After that, we all went out to eat to celebrate my results and to celebrate a large milestone in my life.

Embracing the outcome and moving forward

A group of three students walking around the University campus together and laughing

When the moment comes, it is natural for us as humans to feel overwhelmed. Whatever feelings you may have on the day are valid and they do not take away the effort you have put in.

The most important thing is to be kind to yourself. Celebrate your achievement, regardless of how big or small it might be.

If you achieve your expectations, then congratulations. However, if you do not, that is equally fine, as it makes us push ourselves harder to achieve greater things.

Remember, our loved ones are always there for us regardless of what we achieve. Good luck on Results Day!

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