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The decision to pursue a sandwich year degree

Bradford Life

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Horhorli is currently studying a sandwich degree here at Bradford. She tells us why she decided to pursue this type of degree and talks about her experience so far.

Two people shaking hands at a desk

As I embarked on my academic journey, the decision to choose a sandwich year degree became a defining moment. Despite not having completed the placement yet, the journey towards this choice holds significance. I would like to offer insight into the considerations that influenced my path.

Understanding the difference

A sandwich year degree, often referred to as a placement year, is a year-long industry placement between academic years. In contrast, a non-sandwich year degree follows a conventional academic structure without the additional placement.

The deliberation process

When it was time for me to decide whether or not to do a sandwich degree, I considered a few factors and looked at the skills I could gain.

Two people sat at a table. One of them is holding some documents.

Professional exposure

The allure of professional exposure was a compelling factor. A sandwich degree promised the opportunity to step beyond the confines of textbooks and delve into the professional landscape within my field of study.

Skill development

The prospect of skill development was a key motivator. A year in industry offers a unique environment to hone both technical and soft skills, providing a holistic educational experience.

Industry insights

I envisioned the placement year as a window into the industry’s nuances. The chance to witness firsthand how theoretical concepts manifest in real-world scenarios was an appealing prospect, shaping my understanding of the professional landscape.

Employability edge

Recognising the competitive nature of the job market, the employability edge offered by a placement year stood out. The experience gained could potentially set me apart when entering the workforce.

A side view of a person typing on a laptop.

Photo by Burst on Unsplash

The journey so far

Although I am yet to embark on my placement year, the anticipation and preparation have been instrumental. Preparing my resume, refining my interview skills, and researching potential companies have become integral parts of the journey.

How it will benefit me

Laptop near open notebook.Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

Practical application

The prospect of applying theoretical knowledge in a practical setting excites me. I anticipate that witnessing concepts come to life will deepen my understanding and provide a different dimension to my education.

Networking opportunities

While I haven’t stepped into the workplace, I am enthusiastic about the networking opportunities the placement year will bring. Establishing connections within industry can be invaluable for future career prospects.

Skill enhancement

As I look ahead, I foresee significant skill enhancement. The challenges and tasks in a professional setting will undoubtedly contribute to my growth, both personally and academically.

Tips for anyone thinking of doing a sandwich degree

A phone next to a notepad and pens.Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash

Research extensively

Prioritise thorough research into the potential benefits of a placement year within your specific field. Understand how it aligns with your career aspirations.

Connect with alumni

Seek insights from alumni who have undertaken placement years. Their experiences can offer valuable perspectives and guide you in making an informed decision.

Consider long-term goals

Reflect on your long-term career goals. Assess whether a sandwich year aligns with your aspirations and how it contributes to your professional journey.

In conclusion, choosing a sandwich year degree is a proactive step towards personal and professional development. While my journey with the placement year is yet to unfold, the decision to embrace this opportunity reflects a commitment to enhancing my educational experience. As I stand on the brink of this academic adventure, I am eager to navigate the potential and challenges that a sandwich year promises.

Search our sandwich courses and apply.

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