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Posts tagged under

Students' Union

All posts in blog "Bradford Life Blog" tagged under Students' Union can be found below:


How to prioritise your mental health at uni

Saffron on 06 June 2024

Life as a university student can be busy so protecting your mental health is important. Saffron shares the ways she keeps moving to improve her mental health.

Computer science: a world beyond coding

Oshan on 05 May 2024

Oshan is in her first year of studying BSc (Hons) Computer Science at Bradford. She explains why she chose her course and how to make the most of your time at university.

My experience with the Students' Union

Maleehah on 04 April 2024

Joining a society can enrich your university journey and help you make lifelong friends. Maleehah shares what being part of a society means to her.

Embracing community: joining a society

Horhorli on 03 March 2024

Joining a society can be a great way to follow your passions with like-minded people. Horhorli shares her experience as part of a society and tells us why you should consider joining one.

Students' Union: what's it all about?

University of Bradford on 08 August 2023

The Students’ Union is the heartbeat of the student experience at almost every UK university, here is some information on what it's all about.