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Part-time job and uni life, is it possible?
Bradford Life Blog

Laura is a recent Business and Management graduate. She gives us her tips and advice on getting a part-time job whilst studying at university.

Finding a part-time job while you are studying can be a daunting experience. You have to prepare your CV, hunt for good jobs and handle disappointment well. That was my experience as a first-year student.

My experience finding a part-time job

I was trying my hardest to apply for a part-time job but I was unsuccessful. I was in a new environment and this was going to be my first ever paid job. But, I did not give up.

I kept trying and after a couple of months, I found the perfect job: UBU support staff. I was thinking to myself, what could be better than working for your own Students' Union? I was more than happy. 

Shortly after, I found another job advertised on the website's career page: Student Ambassador. I applied for that as well and I had the chance to work for both the Students' Union and the University.

A student ambassador speaking to an experience day attendee

Why do you need a part-time job?

There are various benefits of working part-time. I found that it helped me shape my behaviour and be more organised. I had to be at work on time and I had the responsibility of finishing my tasks on time.

Besides the great time-management skills, you will also learn a variety of other useful skills that will help you in your future career: 

  • teamwork
  • communication
  • management skills
  • customer service

Did I mention that employers love when you have additional work-experience written on your CV?

However, one of the main reasons why students are interested in getting a part-time job is, of course, the additional income! You will be able to buy that game that you really wanted or that pretty bag that you couldn’t afford last month. 

Also, once you start your new job you will see that you end up spending time with your work friends, which will increase your circle of friends!

Will your part-time job affect your studies?

It will definitely affect your schedule but having a part-time job – not a full-time job – will not affect your studies.

If you're worried about missing out on your lectures you can look for a job that offers flexible hours. 

Another option that might suit your needs could be working only during weekends. And if you stay organised you will have time for everything!

Where can you find a part-time job?

It is fairly easy for students to find part-time jobs. You can print out your CV and go to shops, bars and restaurants that you would like to work in and just hand out your CV.

Another option would be applying online. Websites like Reed and Indeed are very good and you can find a variety of options.

A student using a laptop and smiling

The Career and Employability Service at the University offers support as well. They have a spreadsheet with part-time jobs that they add jobs onto. It is really helpful as they are aimed towards students.

Can you have fun while working and being a student?

Absolutely yes! It's all about balance and how you prioritise your time. I have learnt that you have to have time for both – otherwise it is not really worth it. You will know when you need to pay more attention to the social side or when you need those extra pounds for a nice holiday.

The trick is to be always true to yourself and find what is best for you!