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Attending a Postgraduate Open Day
Bradford Life Blog

Immar is currently studying LLB Law and has recently attended a Postgraduate Open Day. He tells us about his experience and shares some tips to get everything you need from an Open Day.

Whether you're a current undergraduate student thinking of doing further study, or someone returning from a break from education, there is support available for you at an Open Day. 

What is a Postgraduate Open Day?

In a nutshell, a Postgraduate Open Day is an opportunity where potential applicants can meet potential tutors for their chosen postgraduate course (it's also great if you're not sure what postgraduate course you want to study).

An Open Day gives you an insight into the resources you'll have available to you during your studies and overall, it gives you a nice taste of what you can expect during postgraduate studies.

My experience

Two people sat in front of an open days information board.

When I attended a Postgraduate Open Day last year, it gave me a deeper insight as to what I can expect and what doors postgraduate studies will open for me.

During the event, I got the chance to speak to current postgraduate students and ambassadors. They gave me advice on how I should pick my subject and tips on which journal articles to read. They also gave me some insight into how research is done!

I also attended the Q&A session. I found this experience really useful as I got to listen to people speak about the advantages of further study and how employers like potential applicants with a wider range of knowledge within their chosen field.

Was it useful?

Attending a Postgraduate Open Day was useful for me because I now have a deeper understanding and I feel as though I can prepare ahead. Even if you don’t plan on studying further after you graduate, I would still strongly recommend attending one because you might find that postgraduate studies are not as daunting as they seem to be.

It gave me peace of mind because I am now aware of what a postgraduate degree requires and what is required of me. All my worries and questions were answered from both the academic staff's perspectives and current students. I'm now clued up on topics such as funding, and part-time or full-time options!

Would recommend attending one?


Attending postgraduate open days is great and I would strongly recommend keeping an open mind when attending one. It allows you to get a taste of everything.

In addition, I also got the opportunity to ask about funding and what scholarships are available. The team give you an in-depth talk regarding your funding options and all the different ways you can sort out your finances for your postgraduate studies.

Having access to information like this is valuable because it means when you’re in your third year you don’t need to worry about funding. After all, you already know the options.

My tips for attending a Postgraduate Open Day


Keep an open mind!

Going in there with an open mind is so important. Don’t make any decisions and set things in stone until you know everything.

I would recommend attending multiple open days, going to different events, and looking at alternative routes for further study. Once you have attended or looked at enough opportunities, then you are in a position to weigh up the pros and cons and choose which is best for you.

It’s vital that you choose the correct place to pursue your postgraduate studies. If you want to study further, attending open days allows you to get a free insight into how life after graduating will be.

Keep an open mind, ask questions and have fun!

Discover our upcoming Postgraduate Open Days.