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Alkestid posing with Dr. Kamran Mahroof. They are both smiling at the camera

Applied AI and Data Analytics: a journey of opportunity and transformation
Bradford Life Blog

Alkestid is currently studying for his Master's in Applied Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics here at Bradford. He talks about his experience so far and how receiving the Office for Students scholarship has helped him in his studies.

Embarking on the data odyssey: choosing Applied Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics

Embarking on the MSc Applied Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics course at the University of Bradford has been more than an academic pursuit for me. It has been a transformative journey filled with opportunities, challenges, and invaluable experiences that have shaped my perspective in ways I could have never imagined.

Alkestid smiling at the camera while using a computer

The scholarship windfall: Office for Students' support for under-represented scholars

One of the pivotal moments in my academic adventure was securing the Office for Students scholarship, a £10,000 grant for under-represented students. Despite the fierce competition, I was fortunate enough to be selected. This scholarship proved to be a lifeline, providing not only financial support but also a vote of confidence in my abilities as a learner from an under-represented background.

Navigating the scholarship process: a path to financial support

For those curious about the scholarship process, it's remarkably accessible. The criteria, including being a BAME student, an estranged student, hailing from a low socio-economic background, coming from a military family, or being a female student, are clear. A straightforward application, including a form and a personal statement, sets the stage. If selected, an interview follows, and success leads to the well-deserved scholarship.

Global horizons: summer programmes in Germany and Belgium

Undoubtedly, some of the highlights of my studies have been the enriching summer programs abroad. Two weeks at a university in Hamm, Germany, and another two weeks at a university in Antwerp, Belgium, opened my eyes to the global perspectives in AI and data analytics. These experiences were made possible by the School of Management at the University of Bradford, a testament to their commitment to providing diverse opportunities and unwavering support to their students.

Alkestid posing with fellow classmates in Germany.

Hands-on insight: practical experience in research and data analysis

The School of Management not only excelled in broadening my horizons but also in fostering real-world application of knowledge. Through my studies, I secured a three-month placement as a researcher/data analyst for a local NGO and another as a data analyst at the University of Bradford. These hands-on experiences were invaluable, allowing me to apply theoretical concepts to actual scenarios, and enhancing both my technical and analytical skills.

Course dynamics: inclusivity and skill diversity in Applied AI

What sets this course apart is its inclusivity. You don't need a technical background to thrive here; the curriculum is designed to cater to anyone eager to learn. Modules like entrepreneurship, digital marketing, and business leadership complement the core technical aspects, providing a holistic skill set. As someone with a prior Master's in political science, I can attest to the far-reaching impact this degree has had on me.

A journey's epilogue: reflections on transformation and gratitude

As I reflect on my journey so far, I am profoundly grateful for every opportunity and experience that has come my way. The MSc in Applied AI and Data Analytics at the University of Bradford is more than a degree; it's a transformative voyage that equips you not only with technical prowess but also with a diverse skill set and a global perspective. Here's to the next chapter, fueled by gratitude, knowledge, and a profound sense of accomplishment.

Alkestid in Germany with fellow course mates.

Find out more about MSc Applied Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics and apply.