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Staff and student engagement strategy

Written by Helen Cutts, Associate Director of Sustainability
Last updated June 2024
Review date June 2025


At the University of Bradford, we are committed to embedding the Sustainable Development Goals into our teaching, learning, research and operations. We have three main goals:

  • To have a sustainable campus and university
  • To drive sustainable social and economic development through outstanding teaching, research and innovation.
  • To motivate the next generation of students to go out and tackle the sustainability challenges through their learning.

Through engaging with our staff and student communities with sustainability we will empower individual and collective action to support our sustainability ambitions. We will develop processes to ensure sustainability is embedded in our curriculum design and will showcase the research we undertake into sustainability.

Staff engagement activities

Activity Responsibility Resources Timeframes
Sustainability Innovation Prize Fund Sustainability Service

Available quarterly

Year round

Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework (LEAF)

FLS Technicians Year-round lab engagement programme Year round 
Sustainability Events

Sustainability Society / Sustainability Team / Catering

In person events Term time only
Campus Tours Sustainability Service All new starters receive campus tour, opportunities for all staff throughout the year Year round
Ongoing Internal Communications Communications Team News stories, thought pieces, Vice-Chancellor updates, Leaders Sessions Year round
Mental Health Events and Training Counselling and Mental Health Services Available on website, In person events, opportunities for all staff throughout the year Year round
Planting in Allotments  Student Union, Sustainability Services Growing and tree planting events Year round
Beekeeping  Beekeeper Group  In person Year round

Student engagement activities

Activity Responsibility Resources Timeframes
Student Sustainability Events Sustainability Society / Sustainability Service / Catering In person events Term time only
Sustainability Innovation Prize Fund Sustainability Service

Available quarterly

Year round 
Volunteering Students’ Union

Various opportunities via website

Term time only
Food Pantry Student Life and Wellbeing Services Located in Student Central Term time only
Campus tours Sustainability Service Opportunities throughout the year Year round
Communications  Communications Teams Student newsletters, Students Union, Wellbeing opportunities Term time only
Mental Health Events and Training Counselling and Mental Health Services Available on website. In person events. All new starters receive leaflets, opportunities for all students throughout the year Year round
Planting in Allotments  Student Union, Sustainability Society, Sustainability Service Growing and tree planting events Year round
Beekeeping  Beekeeper Group  In person Year round