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Health and Safety Policy

Version control information heading Details
Owner S Wiggins, Associate Director Health and Safety
Author S Wiggins, Associate Director Health and Safety
Approved by Health and Safety Committee
Date of approval of this version 12 February 2024
Next review date 3 Years from Date of Approval
Version number 3.0
Applicable statutory, legal, or national best practice requirements

Health and Safety at Work etc. Act

Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations

Equality Impact Assessment completion date April 2022
Data Protection impact assessment completion date N/A

1. Introduction

1.1 Health and Safety is one of the key priorities of Council and is of vital importance in supporting our education and research programmes here at the University of Bradford.

1.2 Due to the University's wide learning offering it has several exceptional risks, both in terms of estate management and the operation of a complex and diverse educational package, this in turn gives rise to several unique risks that require competent Health and Safety management. 

1.3 Our health & safety efforts therefore support and underpin the University by creating a high-quality learning, teaching, research and working environment that places our people and their safety and health at the heart of everything we do.

1.4 The University and Health and Safety department work collectively, closely, and collaboratively with all faculties and directorates and trade unions and staff in helping to develop and maintain these standards, in addition we continue to raise the bar to maintain our safe working and study environments for the benefit of staff, students, contractors, and visitors. 

2. Scope

2.1 This document forms part of the University's Health and Safety management system by:

2.1.1 Defining the Health and Safety roles and responsibilities of key individuals and groups.

2.1.2 Outlining the governance arrangements in place and how statutory consultation on Health and Safety matters is undertaken.

3. Health and Safety Policy Statement

3.1 The Universities Health & Safety efforts supports, underpins, and dovetails within the wider University strategy which is supported by Learning, Teaching & Student Experience; Research and Innovation; Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion; and Business and Community Engagement.

3.2 University Council and Executive Board at the University of Bradford considers the Health and Safety of staff and students to be one of its uppermost priorities. The University is committed to the Health and Safety of all staff, students, visitors, and all others who may be affected by its activities.

3.3 To achieve this the University will operate an effective Health and Safety management system in accordance with industry best practice and ensure there are clear management and audit and inspection frameworks that constantly monitor Health and Safety compliance to ensure all relevant Health and Safety legislation is, as a minimum standard, maintained.

3.4 This policy aims to prevent, minimise, and control risk within University premises and its associated activities, this can be achieved by ensuring so far as is reasonably practicable. 

3.4.1 Compliance with all applicable Health and Safety Legislation.

3.4.2 Operation of an effective Health and Safety management system.

3.4.3 Ensure the successful implementation of this policy and subsequent policies, procedural and guidance documents issued under its overarching primacy.

3.4.4 Undertake a programme of internal Health and Safety audits and inspections of all faculties and directorates and external campus environments.

3.4.5 Communication and consultation with employees and their representatives on Health and Safety matters. 

3.4.6 Work collaboratively with Trade Unions, staff, Faculties and Directorates and others who may be affected by the University undertakings. 

3.4.7 Ensure staff are given sufficient information, instruction, and training to ensure they can undertake their roles safely and effectively. 

3.4.8 The Associate Director of Health and Safety on behalf of the University shall in addition: 

3.4.9 Communicate and consult on Health and Safety matters.

3.4.10 Regularly review and audit performance using Higher Education recognised audit systems e.g. Health and Safety Management Profile (HASMAP).

3.4.11 Work collaboratively to continually improve Health and Safety at the University.

3.4.12 Collaborate on the implementation of safe systems of work that eliminate or control significant workplace hazards.

3.4.13 Promote good Health and Safety practice within existing and proposed activities.

3.4.14 Ensure the University Health and Safety Committee meets regularly.

3.4.15 Ensure systems are in place to monitor Health and Safety.

3.4.16 Supplement this policy with the development of risk related policy, procedural or guidance documents outlining University arrangements for the management of Health and Safety and ensure these remain up to date and relevant.

3.5 With regards to its overseas operations, in addition to incorporating UK Health and Safety legislation, the University shall where applicable comply with local Health and Safety regulations as may be appropriate and will endeavour to maintain best practice where practicable. The University shall take account of local culture and with the understanding that Health and Safety requirements vary internationally.

Policy Statement signed by Professor Shirley Congdon, Vice Chancellor and Principal, University of Bradford and John Hinchliffe, Chair of Council, University of Bradford on 14 May 2024.

4. Strategic Responsibilities

4.1 The Health and Safety roles, responsibilities and accountabilities of key individuals and groups are defined below. They are also summarised in the RACI Matrix for Health and Safety in Appendix B.


4.2 As the University's governing body, Council has ultimate accountability for the Health and Safety of the University community and others who may be affected by University activities, both on and off University premises and shall ensure. 

4.3 Council has a collective responsibility to ensure the University's overall strategies are delivered through an effective framework of governance. It has ultimate responsibility for the Health and Safety of staff and students and any other person that may be affected by the University's activities.

Vice Chancellor

4.4 By way of the implementation of this Policy University Council has delegated the responsibility for Health and Safety to the Vice Chancellor, who in turn has delegated the day-to-day management of this to the Director of Infrastructure.

4.5 The Vice Chancellor shall ensure that this Health and Safety policy and associated arrangements for managing Health and Safety (i.e. policies, procedures, and guidance) are maintained and reviewed at appropriate intervals.

4.6 The Vice Chancellor shall ensure that the Estates and associated infrastructure remains safe and fit for purpose. 

Director of Infrastructure

4.7 As the individual with delegated accountability for Health and Safety the Director of Infrastructure shall delegate responsibility for the day-to-day strategic operation and management of Health and Safety at the University of Bradford to the Associate Director of Health and Safety.

4.8 As the Executive Lead for Health and Safety the Director of Infrastructure shall: 

4.8.1 Ensure appropriate measures are taken to promote Health and Safety and that sufficient resources are made available to ensure its operations and functions can be met.

4.8.2 Ensure that arrangements and sufficient resources are in place to create a safe estate and associated infrastructure. This shall include safe plant and machinery, safe buildings, highways, footpaths, car parks and external areas.

4.8.3 Have delegated authority to approve Health and Safety protocols on behalf of the University of Bradford and Health and Safety Committee.

4.8.4 Provide leadership and support to the Associate Director of Health and Safety to ensure good governance is maintained.

4.8.5 Ensure that all premises used by the University (and leased or let to third parties) are maintained and remain compliant with Health and Safety requirements.

Executive Board

4.9 Members of Executive Board shall work with the Director of Infrastructure and Associate Director of Health & Safety to ensure implementation of and compliance with all matters relating to the management of Health and Safety, associated policies, procedures, and guidance in pursuance of a positive and robust Health and Safety culture.

4.10 In their individual roles, Deans, and Directors within respective areas of responsibility (i.e. Faculty/Directorate) may delegate the day-to day management of Health and Safety to respective faculty business operation managers or heads of departments within directorates.

4.11 Members of the Executive Board shall: 

4.11.1 Provide leadership and governance to support and strengthen the Health and Safety culture.

4.11.2 Understand risks associated with activities within their respective areas of responsibility.

4.11.3 Work collaboratively with Associate Director of Health and Safety in managing and implementing Health and Safety measures as may be appropriate.

4.11.4 Ensure there is adequate provision of resources for Health and Safety within respective faculties, schools, directorates, and departments.

4.11.5 Ensure there is adequate provision for students to receive Health and Safety information, instruction, and training to allow them to participate in activities where there is a degree of risk.

4.11.6 Work collaboratively with the Associate Director of Health and Safety o ensure respective Faculty or Directorate safety panels operate robustly with clear reporting lines back to the University Health and Safety department to facilitate the compilation of reports for the University Health and Safety Committee. 

4.11.7 Ensure suitable and sufficient risk assessments are undertaken with appropriate identified controls actioned and reviewed periodically.

4.11.8 Ensure personnel receive adequate Health and Safety information, instruction, and training to achieve or maintain competency in their roles.

4.11.9 Deans and Directors and members of Executive Board as may be appropriate shall ensure teaching and research spaces and facilities are maintained in a safe condition and remain fit for purpose.

Associate Director of Health and Safety

4.12 In accordance with Regulation 7 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, as the appointed 'Competent Person' for Health and Safety, the Associate Director of Health and Safety shall make such arrangements and implement appropriate measures as may be appropriate to ensure compliance with statutory requirements.

4.13 The Associate Director of Health and Safety shall be responsible for the design, development, implementation and review of the University Health and Safety Policy and all other associated policies procedure, guidance and associated arrangements as may be appropriate, this must also include Fire Safety Policies, procedures, associated guidance and arrangements.

4.14 The Associate Director of Health and Safety shall ensure that Council and Executive Board receive timely and appropriate updates on Health and Safety and fire safety activity as may be appropriate, to include an analysis of Health and Safety data and information relating to the strategic performance indicators.

4.15 The Associate Director of Health and Safety shall lead the Health and Safety department to ensure that appropriate systems for the management of Health and Safety are implemented, along with a suitable and sufficient programme to ensure that service delivery is aligned with the overall University strategy and objectives.

4.16 Associated Health and Safety strategies must make provision for the communication, training, support, audit, inspection, and monitoring, they must be effective and reviewed periodically.

4.17 The Associate Director of Health and Safety shall work collaboratively with all Faculties and Directorates in achieving compliance and production of associated guidance and procedural documents that may be specific to address risks associated with their activities as may be required and ensure that appropriate Health and Safety support is in place.

4.18 The Associate Director of Health and Safety, shall in addition:

4.1 8.1 Alert Senior Management and Executive Board to significant risks to Health and Safety in the University.

4.18.2 Work with enforcement agencies to ensure compliance with statutory obligations.

4.18.3 On behalf as the Vice Chancellor act as delegated duty holder as may be required for the management of Asbestos and Legionella.

4.18.4 Ensure that suitable arrangement for dealing with serious and imminent danger are formulated, implemented, and communicated.

4.18.5 In collaboration with the Director of People, Culture and Wellbeing ensure adequate provision of an Occupational Health provider is made available to enable health surveillance to be offered to staff as may be appropriate.

4.18.6 On behalf of the University hold licences issued by the Home Office, Civil Aviation Authority etc. and ensure they are renewed annually in accordance with licensing conditions. 

5. Accountabilities and Responsibilities

5.1 Responsibility for Health and Safety at the University of Bradford ranges from the legal duty to cooperate with the University in its arrangements for Health and Safety. However, any University employee acting in a managerial, professional, or supervisory role has additional management responsibilities, and the more senior the appointment, the more onerous the responsibility.

5.2 The level of that responsibility is directly linked to the level of control since responsibilities are allocated based on the principle that you are responsible for the work under your control, for those working under your control and for the people who are affected by your work. The nature of the structure of the University is such that some role holders will have more than one set of responsibilities.

5.3 The Health and Safety roles, responsibilities and accountabilities of key individuals and groups are defined below. They are also summarised in the RACI Matrix for Health and Safety in Appendix B.

Chief Finance Officer

5.4 The Chief Finance Officer will ensure procurement teams apply due consideration in ensuring the Health and Safety Department are consulted where applicable when requests for the purchase of mechanical plant and machinery etc. are made that may have Health and Safety implications, examples include pressure vessels, lifting equipment, hoists, power presses etc. (please note this list is not exhaustive). The same consideration must also be given when selling such plant and machinery or equipment to third parties, this will ensure appropriate tests and inspection certification can be surrendered to third parties at the time of sale.

Director of People, Culture and Wellbeing

5.5 The Director of People, Culture and Wellbeing is responsible for ensuring appropriate measures are in place to monitor workplace sickness levels.

5.6 Where these monitoring systems indicate significant trends associated with work-related ill health, they should be brought to the attention of the Associate Director of Health and Safety to facilitate necessary investigation as may be appropriate. 

5.7 The Director of People, Culture and Wellbeing shall also ensure adequate provision is made for an Occupational Health service, the service provision must also offer Health Surveillance provisions to ensure statutory compliance.

5.8 The Director of People, Culture and Wellbeing in association with the Associate Director of Health and Safety shall ensure that staff receive appropriate health and safety training appropriate to their job roles and responsibilities. Identification of competency training may be identified as part of staff annual personal performance development reviews.

Associate Director of Estates

5.9 The Associate Director of Estates has overarching responsibility for building, engineering and associated maintenance, ensuring policy and strategy are developed to support the maintenance of site infrastructure.

Responsibilities shall include:

5.10.1 Maintenance of the estates across all 'hard' services with due regard to institutional and faculty priorities.

5.10.2. Ensuring from an estate's perspective compliance with statutory, regulatory, and institutional requirements and best practices.

5.10.3. Ensure risk assessments have been undertaken and they are suitable and sufficient for all areas under their control.

5.10.4. Ensure safe systems of work are implemented for all areas under their control.

5.10.5. Driving a zero-tolerance safety culture within the Estates team and suppliers to ensure the delivery of a safe, health and secure environment for all.

5.10.6 Ensure appropriate measures and controls are implemented as part of the management of contractors and capital projects/construction works are managed appropriately and safely.

Associate Director of Facilities

5.11 The Associate Director of Facilities shall ensure that appropriate procedures are followed in relation to waste management excluding that which may be generated as part of capital project works, this shall be the responsibility of respective contractors. 

5.11.1 Ensure suitable security arrangements are implemented to aid in the maintenance of a safe and secure campus.

5.11.2. Ensure risk assessments have been undertaken and they are suitable and sufficient for all areas under their control.

5.11.3. Ensure safe systems of work are implemented for all areas under their control.

5.11.4. Where the directorate are involved in running or planning events ensure they are undertaken safely with risk assessments being developed as may be appropriate.

Heads of Departments and Schools

5.12 Heads of Department and Schools have overall responsibility for ensuring that their Department or School complies with the University's health and safety requirements and has effective systems in place for the management of Health and Safety. They are ultimately responsible for the safe management of all work under their authority.

5.13 Heads of Departments and Schools must ensure that teaching, research, and office spaces are maintained in a safe condition and are fit for purpose, in addition they shall:

5.13.1 Have procedures in place to ensure that academic events and courses held outside university premises are subject to proper formal risk assessment and regular review and communicated to those responsible for the premises.

5.13.2 Ensure that there are measures in place for managing significant risks arising from the Department or School's activities.

5.13.3 Ensure that appropriate arrangements are in place for the communication of health and safety issues to all employees, students, contractors, and other visitors to the Department.

5.13.4 Ensure procedures are in place to ensure all new members of staff and postgraduate research students complete the Health and Safety induction requirements.

5.13.5 Have appropriate procedures in place to ensure adequate supervision of all students and visitors.

5.13.6. Undertake periodic inspections (at least annually) of the areas under their control with any outcomes being recorded and maintained.

5.3.17 in conjunction with the Health and Safety Department ensure that suitable systems are in place for the regular monitoring and review of Health and Safety within the Department or School e.g., via Departmental or School safety inspections, in accordance with the University's minimum requirements. 

5.13.8 Cooperate with the Health and Safety Department when undertaking investigations, or when monitoring and auditing is being undertaken.

5.13.9 Working with the Health and Safety Department to address any breaches of the University Health and Safety Policy or its associated policies, arrangements, and procedures as they relate to the Department or School.

5.13.10 Ensure that Health and Safety issues are escalated appropriately to the Associate Director of Health and Safety where these cannot be resolved locally. 

Heads of Faculty Operations Managers

5.14 In their respective areas of control, the Heads of Faculty Operations shall have responsibility for:

5.14.1 The identification and management of risk within their respective areas, managing and monitoring as appropriate.

5.14.2 The provision of leadership and governance to support and strengthen the Health and Safety culture within their respective areas of responsibility. 

5.14.3 The implementation of University Health and Safety policies, procedures, and guidance as appropriate.

5.14.4 Ensure suitable and sufficient risk assessments are undertaken, and any identified controls are implemented with the risk assessments being reviewed periodically. 

5.14.5 Ensure the findings and controls from the risk assessments are communicated effectively to all staff, students, and visitors who may be affected by their activities.

5.14.6 Ensure adequate Health and Safety information, instruction and training are provided to ensure staff and students achieve competence in all relevant tasks.

5.14.7 Ensure Health and Safety matters are communicated widely within the areas of responsibility.

5.14.8 Working collaboratively with the Health and Safety Department ensure those individuals identified as requiring annual health surveillance appointments attend such appointments. 

5.14.9 Undertake periodic (not exceeding three monthly) inspections of the areas under their control with any outcomes being recorded and maintained. 

5.14.10 As part of any Health and Safety audit procedure ensure that appropriate records and evidence of good practice, statutory compliance can be evidenced. 

5.14.11 Ensure all research activities are planned, assessed, and monitored with regards to Health and Safety.

Academic Staff, Principal Investigators, Staff with Teaching Responsibilities, Laboratory Champions and Workshop Leads

5.15 Academic staff, including Principal Investigators and staff with teaching responsibilities are responsible for assessing, taking account of, and addressing the risks including Health and Safety risks associated with research proposals and teaching activities in line with University Health and Safety policies and requirements.

5.15 Academic staff, including Principal Investigators and staff with teaching responsibilities must ensure that teaching, research, and office spaces are maintained in a safe condition and are fit for purpose, in addition they shall:

5.17 Assess the risks of the work under their control including:

5.17.l Ensuring risk assessments are completed and recorded by their staff and students.

5.17.2 Ensuring that any new processes are properly risk assessed before implementation.

5.17.3 Ensuring that all new equipment is checked for hazards, risk assessed and that users are trained on the required safe systems of work and risk control measures. 

5.17.4 Ensure that where risks cannot be eliminated, they are reduced to the lowest 'reasonably practicable' level.

5.17.5 Undertake periodic (not exceeding three monthly) inspections of the areas under their control with any outcomes being recorded and maintained. 

5.17.6 Ensure the provision of suitable information, instruction, training and supervision of staff, students (including visiting students) and academic visitors under their control considering their experience and skills.

5.17.7 Ensure the safe handling and use of hazardous substances and the maintenance of safe plant, machinery, and equipment under their control. 

5.17.8 Liaising with the Health and Safety Department provide staff signpost access to health surveillance where identified in risk assessments.

5.17.9 Ensure co-ordination and communication with co-investigators research employees and others affected by research and teaching activities to enable health and safety risks to be effectively managed. 

5.17.10 Ensure all accidents and incidents are reported and investigated in accordance with agreed University arrangements and procedures.

5.17.11 Take appropriate action when Health and Safety is likely to be compromised; if necessary, suspending an activity pending reassessment of the risk.

5.17.12 Ensure that their staff and students comply with any policies or arrangements and procedures produced by the University, in particular those required for statutory compliance purposes.

5.17.13 In conjunction with the Health and Safety Department maintain records of staff competence as they relate to the use of equipment and any hazardous substances in their respective areas of responsibility. 

5.17.14 Ensure that there are arrangements in place for ensuring the health and safety of students during undergraduate laboratory sessions. 

5.17.15 Ensure that they have appointed a suitable deputy to maintain appropriate supervision of the work under their control in their absence.

5.17.16 All those involved in research at the University of Bradford must comply with the general duties imposed by University Policies and Procedures and their statutory duties. 

5.17.17 As part of any Health and Safety audit procedure ensure that appropriate records and evidence of good practice and statutory compliance can be evidenced. 

5.17.18 Ensure that the Health and Safety department are notified of any new equipment that is procured to ensure that any statutory test and inspections that may be required by Health and Safety legislation can be implemented and maintained as may be appropriate, e.g. Pressure vessels, lifting equipment and local exhaust ventilation systems.

5.18 All those engaged in laboratory work must familiarise themselves with the University Policies and Procedures in relation to laboratory work, in particular: 'Laboratory Safety Policy'.

5.19 As the risk creator, academic staff who specify new practical work for undergraduate laboratory sessions are responsible for the risk assessment of the practical work and for the information and identification of key messages that need to be communicated to students.

Research Staff and Students

5.20 Research staff and students must familiarise themselves with the University Policies and Procedures in relation to laboratory work, in particular: 'Health and Safety in Research', 'Laboratory Safety Policy', Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) Policy etc.

5.21 Research staff and students must ensure that all areas used for this purpose are maintained in a safe condition and are fit for purpose. In addition, and as part of any Health and Safety audit procedures ensure that appropriate records and evidence of good practice, statutory compliance etc. can be evidenced.

Line Managers and Supervisors

5.22 Line Managers and Supervisors have a similar level of responsibility to that of Principal Investigators but in a non-academic or research role. They will have supervisory or management responsibility over other staff or students and as such, they are responsible for the implementation of the University Health and Safety Policy and Department Safety arrangements within their area of control.

5.23 Line Managers and Supervisors must:

5.23.1. Be fully familiar with the University Health and Safety Policy and Department safety arrangements and understand and apply them within all areas of their responsibility.

5.23.2 Make sure that staff under their control are competent and capable of undertaking their allotted tasks and ensure that mandatory Health and Safety training is completed. 

5.23.3 Ensure relevant Health and Safety information is provided to their teams ensuring they are aware of the Health and Safety issues and any associated control measures relevant to their activities.

5.23.4 Undertake periodic (not exceeding three monthly) inspections of the areas under their control with any outcomes being recorded and maintained. 

5.23.5 Ensure suitable and sufficient risk assessments are completed, authorised and implemented in their area of control.

5.23.6 Ensure that equipment and substances provided for use at work are fit for purpose and used safely and maintained in a safe condition.

5.23.7 Ensure that as part of any Health and Safety audit procedures appropriate records and evidence of good practice, statutory compliance etc. can be evidenced. 

5.23.8 Working collaboratively with the Health and Safety Department ensure those individuals identified as requiring annual health surveillance appointments attend such appointments.

Members of the Health and Safety Department

5.24 The University employs, in accordance with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, a number of competent Safety Advisers which form the Health and Safety Department.

5.25 The Health and Safety Department is responsible for writing, consulting and gaining approval of the Health and Safety Policy and underpinning policies, arrangements and procedures as well as for the continuous development of good practice within Health and Safety across the University. 

5.26 The Health and Safety Department is also responsible for delivering training and monitoring and evidencing the application of all relevant safety policies, arrangements and procedures across the University.

5.27 In addition to its Health and Safety responsibilities the Department also has members of the Department who are able to provide competent fire safety advice, in line with the University Fire Safety Policy.

5.28 The Associate Director of Health and Safety in their role shall ensure that the Department service provision includes:

5.28.1 A rolling programme of Health and Safety inspections and audits across the University and the production of reports containing recommendations for improvement agreed with Faculties and Directorates as may be appropriate. 

5.28.2 Ensuring the provision of regular assurance statements to the University Health and Safety Committee in respect of the system of internal controls.

5.28.3 Ensuring that reviews of this Policy and other Health and Safety policies, arrangements and procedures are carried out at regular intervals (not exceeding three years). 

5.28.4 Ensuring the provision of competent advice on interpretation of Health and Safety legislation and good practice to the University.

5.28.5 Maintaining a resource of information on the University's Health and Safety SharePoint portal.

5.28.6 Collating and reporting upon key performance indicators to the Council and General Board and associated Health and Safety Committees. 

5.28.7 Administering the accident and incident reporting system and reviewing incident data to identify trends and any lessons that can be learned including RIDDOR reporting on behalf of the University. 

5.28.8 Supporting the University and Departments and advising in response to emergency situations or major incidents.

5.28.9. Deliver in house Health and Safety training within respective competencies.

5.28.10 ldentify appropriate staff training needs in respect of Health and Safety to provide and maintain competencies and ensure appropriate training records are maintained. 

Health and Safety Asbestos Officer

5.29 The Health and Safety Asbestos Officer supports the Associate Director of Health and Safety in their role as Duty Holder in accordance with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.

5.30 On behalf of the Associate Director of Health and Safety the Health and Safety Asbestos Officer (HSAO) shall ensure that appropriate and comprehensive electronic records are maintained as part of the University of Bradford management and control of asbestos procedures, additionally develop and maintain the asbestos register to ensure it remains concurrent with the electronic database.

5.31 The HSAO shall collaborate and supervise asbestos works that are undertaken at the University ensuring records are updated and the Associate Director of Health and Safety is aware of any shortfalls or defects.

5.32 In order that a safe campus can be maintained inspections of all know Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM's) shall be undertaken at appropriate intervals with records kept of their status.

Water Quality Officer

5.33 The Water Quality Officer supports the Associate Director of Health and Safety in their role as Duty Holder in accordance with the Approved Code of Practice and guidance, L8 - The Control of Legionella Bacteria in Water Systems and HSG274 - Legionella bacteria in hot & cold-water systems and provide advice to the wider University as required.

5.34 The Water Quality Officer shall ensure that appropriate and comprehensive records are maintained as part of the University of Bradford management and control of legionella procedures.

5.35 They shall collaborate and supervise works on the infrastructure ensuring records are updated and the Associate Director of Health and Safety is made aware of any shortfalls or defects.


Every employee has a responsibility to ensure their own Health and Safety, and to ensure others are not put at risk by their acts or omissions at work wherever that work may be being undertaken i.e. on Campus, Working From Home etc. Likewise, every employee is empowered to stop their work, or the work of others should they feel that work is being carried out in an unsafe manner. 


5.36 Students are not in the legal sense employed persons and hence many of the specific provisions of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act do not apply to them. Equally they are not bound by the duties of employees as laid down in the Act. Nevertheless, students must comply with Health and Safety instructions and may be responsible or accountable for the consequences should they neglect to conduct a task required for the Health and Safety of themselves or others who may be affected by what they do or do not do.

5.37 All students are responsible for:

5.37.1 Looking after their own Health and Safety and the safety of others who may be affected by their actions whilst on University premises or undertaking activities (e.g. fieldwork, work or study placements) under the supervision of the University or placement providers.

5.37.2 Following he University's Health and Safety Policy and their Department or School safety arrangements and procedures.

5.37.3 Following any instructions given to them by an employee of the University for their Health and Safety.

5.37.4 Reporting Health and Safety incidents or concerns pertaining to academic or University premises (including accidents, ill-health, premises hazards) in accordance with their department or School and University procedures. 

5.37.5 Taking part in any Health and Safety training identified as necessary by the University, their department or School or their academic supervisor. 

5.37.6 Ensuring they do not, without the consent of the member of staff in charge of the areas or activity, introduce any equipment for use on university premises, alter any fixed installations, alter or remove Health and Safety notices or equipment, or otherwise take any action which may create hazards for persons using the premises or employees of the University. 

Staff Working Away From the University

5.38 Where a member of staff is working away from the University, on University business, the potential risks associated with such work, travel or location shall be assessed by the appropriate Faculty or Directorate and shall have due consideration for University policies and arrangements and, where applicable, Foreign and Commonwealth Office advice and any travel advice provided by the Department of Health/NHS. Risk assessments are also required for overseas travel and are necessary to ensure cover under the University's Travel Insurance Policy.

5.39 Staff undertaking work at non-University of Bradford host premises, such as Visiting Academics or part of a Knowledge Transfer Partnership, should ensure that they appraise themselves of local Health and Safety arrangements, be inducted on local Health and Safety controls and where appropriate, should ensure risk assessments are undertaken.

5.40 If members of staff have any concern about their Health and Safety whilst working at host premises, they should report this immediately to their line manager and company/organisation contact. Academic staff and Managers are reminded that they remain responsible for members of staff and students when working away from University of Bradford premises.

5.41 Managers and staff member must undertake a suitability assessment to ensure the workstation is adequate and supports safe working at home or make adjustments where this can be achieved to make it suitable.

5.42 The staff member must undertake the respective display screen equipment training and assessment module for working at home.

Visiting Academics and Guest Workers

5.43 Visiting academics and other guest workers hosted at the University on a short-term basis are authorised only with the permission of the appropriate Dean of Faculty (or their representative) or Head of Department or School and must follow University, Faculty and/or Departmental or School Health and Safety procedures and arrangements.

5.44 Short-term Adult Work Experience, Internships, Placements, and the like would normally be treated in the same way as Visiting Academics and Guest Workers, with appropriate authorisation and support offered.

5.45 In such circumstances visiting academics and guest workers must be afforded the same degree of protection against risks to their Health and Safety as the employees and students at the University.

5.46 Visiting academics and guest workers shall receive, from the host Faculty/Directorate, suitable and sufficient information, instruction, and training to enable them to undertake their work safely and in accordance with University, Faculty or Directorate procedures.

Visitors, Contractors and Subsidiaries

5.47 It is the University's policy to ensure that visitors to the University are not exposed to any significant risks to their health or safety.

5.48 Visitors to Faculties and Directorates are the responsibility of the Faculty or Department which they are visiting and necessary safeguards and arrangements must be introduced to ensure their Health and Safety.

5.49 Visitors and Contractors must:

5.50 Comply with all University of Bradford Health and Safety requirements whilst on University premises.

5.51 Follow reasonable instructions related to Health and Safety.

5.52 Report all accidents, incidents and near misses in accordance with University procedures.

5.53 Raise any Health and Safety issues with their host/contract supervisor (including health conditions which may affect or be affected by their work/study).

5.54 Not interfere or misuse anything provided for Health and Safety purposes.

5.55 Contractors and external Business Partners, including those who may be operating from University premises or are self-employed, must co-operate and co-ordinate with the University to ensure that all Health and Safety requirements are met. This shall include the provision of information relating to risks and any associated controls.

Trade Unions

5.56 Subsequent to the regulations made under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and employment law, and Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations, the recognised Trade Unions within the University have appointed Safety Representatives to represent the interests of their members in relation to Health and Safety matters. It is noted Safety Representatives also act as representatives of non-trade union members on Health and Safety matters in accordance with the Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations.

5.57 The University will provide the necessary communication, consultation, support, and resources to allow the above to carry out their roles as required by legislation.

5.58 The University welcomes and supports the contribution of Staff and Student Safety Representatives to Health and Safety management systems.

5.59 Staff and student consultation on Health and Safety matters is formally conducted through the Health & Safety Committee; additional consultation is undertaken at a local level within Faculties, Directorates, Schools, and Departments and as part of the wider consultation forums.

5.60 The University seeks to engage staff and students in all aspects of managing Health and Safety and invites suggestions and comments.

Student Union

5.61 University of Bradford Union of Students - (UBU) operating in conjunction with the University shall ensure they comply with all University Health and Safety policies, procedures, and guidelines to ensure that all their Health and Safety requirements are met.

5.62 A member of the Health and Safety team has been assigned to work collaboratively with the Students Union as their advisor with a particular remit for student safety. 

6. What everyone should know

6.1.1 Have an awareness of the University Health and Safety policy.

6.1.2 Be familiar with the fire and emergency arrangements in place at the University.

6.1.3 Be familiar with any risk assessments and associated controls/safe systems of work that may be in place within their workplace in respect of work activities.

6.1.4 Participate in Health and Safety training as may be identified by the University or their line manager.

6.1.5 Maintain a safe working environment. 

6.1.6 Cooperate with the University in promoting and developing measures that protect the University community. 

6.1.7 Maintain competency in their role.


6.1.8 Take reasonable care of themselves and others who may be affected by what they do or do not do. 

6.1.9 Co-operate with the University in Health and Safety matters.

6.1.10 Not carry out any activity they believe may harm themselves or others.

6.1.11 Raise any Health and Safety issues with their manager/academic tutor (including health conditions which may affect or be affected by their work/study) or directly to the Health and Safety team. 

6.1.12 Maintain their work area in a safe condition and ensure it is fit for use.

6.1.13 Not interfere or misuse anything provided for Health and Safety purposes.

6.1.14 Report all accidents, incidents and near misses in accordance with University procedures.

7. Committees

People Committee

7.1 The People Committee shall receive updates, as may be appropriate from the Health and Safety Committee in order that assurance can be provided to Council on matters relating to the Health and Safety of University staff and students.

Health and Safety Committee

7.2 To support Council, the Vice Chancellor, Executive Board and the People Committee, the University Health & Safety Committee shall: 

7.2.1 Provide information and advice on issues relating to Health and Safety as may be appropriate or as requested. 

7.2.2 Be the University-wide consultative and advisory body for Health and Safety matters affecting staff, students, visitors, and contractors.

7.2.3 Have delegated authority to approve Health and Safety policies, procedural and guidance documents on behalf of Council.

7.2.4 Monitor progress with regards to any Health and Safety Action Plans. 

Faculty and Directorate Health and Safety Panels

7.3 In their respective areas of control, the Faculty/Directorate Panels shall:

7.3.1 Receive direction from the Associate Director of Health and Safety and the University Health and Safety Committee.

7.3.2 Ensure that Health and Safety reports and information are disseminated to appropriate members of staff or students within the Faculty/Directorate.

7.3.3 Monitor the implementation and effectiveness of University Health and Safety policies, procedures, and guidance, including local procedures. 

7.3.4 To take oversight and monitor implementation of all risk assessment activity in the Faculty across all sites, ensuring this meets the appropriate standard. 

7.3.5 Refer any Health and Safety issues that cannot be dealt with locally to the University Health and Safety Committee via the Faculty/Directorate Health and Safety Advisor. 

8. Arrangements 

Support and Advice

8.1 An outline scheme showing lines of audit, assurance, professional advice, and operational responsibilities can be found in appendix A.

Policies and Procedures

8.2 The Health and Safety Policy is an overarching 'Umbrella Policy', there are a broad number of subordinate policy and procedural documents that underpin this policy. These can be found on the Health and Safety SharePoint pages.

Risk Assessment

8.3 Risk assessments involve identifying any hazards that could cause accidents, injuries or ill-health. The severity of outcome and likelihood of incidents occurring needs to be analysed to determine the level of risk, and effective control measures implemented and monitored. The Health and Safety team have developed a number of corporate risk assessment templates for a variety of specific risks e.g. Radiation and Laser and the Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH).

8.4 The responsibility for ensuring risk assessments are completed within respective faculties/directorates lies with Business Operation Managers, Heads of Schools/departments, Managers, Researchers, Academics, and Technicians.


8.5 As part of its legal obligations the University shall ensure that every member of staff will be provided with adequate Health and Safety training, this will commence with an induction upon appointment, additional training will also be provided when exposed to new or changing risks, the introduction of new plant and equipment etc.

8.6 The primary purpose of staff training is to benefit the development and capabilities of the individual member of staff, but it also helps with efficiency for the University and it benefits all parties.

8.7 Training may be identified as part of the risk assessment process to ensure people are able to work safely and have a greater understanding of risks associated with their respective activities and secures competence.

8.8 Training must be appropriate and within the capabilities of those being trained as identified within respective legislation. Participation in Health and Safety training is a mandatory element of employment, this training may be identified by the University as part of its competency framework or their line manager as part of personal development plans.

8.9 Training of Safety Representatives is the responsibility of those Trade Unions appointing individuals to that role, in addition the Safety Representatives are able to attend University Health and Safety sessions in order to maintain competency and effectiveness as are all other employees. 

9. General Principles


9.1 The University is committed to the implementation of this policy in accordance with the University values which are: 

9.1.1 Excellence - excellence is at the heart of everything we do.

9.1.2 Inclusion - diversity is a source of strength and must be understood, valued, supported, and leveraged.

9.1.3 Innovation - we give invention light and celebrate creativity and innovation. 

9.1.4 Trust - trust is the foundation of our relationships, underpinned by integrity in all we do. 

Implementation and Training

9.2 The Policy will be uploaded onto Health and Safety ServiceNow portal.

9.3 Line Managers are responsible for raising awareness of all new/updated Health and Safety policies and guidance/procedural documents through their normal Faculty/Directorate communication channels.

9.4 The Health and Safety team will work with Faculties/Directorates to identify appropriate provision of training, guidance, and support to Line Managers on the implementation of this Policy. 

10. Monitoring and review

10.1 A clear Health and Safety Strategy and Delivery Plan are in place and are monitored by Council, People Committee, Executive Board and the Health and Safety Committee.

The impact of this Policy shall be reviewed by the Associate Director of Health and Safety periodically but shall not exceed three years and will be reviewed earlier should there be any significant changes either legislative or operational. 

11. Appendices

Appendix A - Outline Scheme of Professional Support and Advice in relation to Health and Safety - available on SharePoint

RACI Matrix for Health and Safety - available on SharePoint